Title: [Report] Arcanist Training Post by: Hoagie on August 09, 2009, 03:02:56 am Leading:
Elizabeth Martin, Officer Cadet Attending: Kas Valentine, Senior Arcanist Mercy, Junior Arcanist Celuvian Haap, Junior Guardsman Thomas Aylmer, Watchman Dah'han, Watchman It was a cool evening when the beautiful Pickles ordered us to the barracks roof in order for some Arcanist tactics training! Initially, the training focused on the effective use of combinations of spells, and later on, we branched into two teams for some team based practice!
Winners: Team Pickles.
Winners: Team Kas. (http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/7946/arcanisttraining.png) After the team based combat, we focused on single combat tactics, learning to overcome the spells of other Arcanists. Several times throughout the training, some poor sod tried to join in, only to be told they could not, for they were not an Arcanist! Serves them right, I say. *Signed* Thomas Aylmer, Watchman |