Title: A Moot point. Post by: Maccen on August 13, 2009, 09:48:34 am Bruthas, ye've all heard bout this moot. Hrmm yea. Seems there are a number of events we might be able to mess with. "Help" a few winners, and encourage "bad luck" on some others eh? Some winner will pay shillin's fer a better shot at winnin, and he nay needs to be given so much better a chance. We can all work for a diffrent one and get paid whilst being near invisible like. Now I can nay think much bigger than that much but citezens from all over is gonna be there. If anyone knows any contacts. . . I says we get the Ol'shade rollin' Covians are addicts ye know. Just right good at hidding their practices what with that corrupt abyssal church on thier steps. Now jest cause I thought up the obvious you should nay wait up for me. If I nay show its cause I saw more coins more easily got else where or got me hands caught in a garter strap hrmm.
Sow some chaos, line yer pockets, deflower some daughters! *Signed* MJK Title: Re: A Moot point. Post by: Kiran on September 14, 2009, 10:48:11 pm Ten shillings awarded to Maccen for his delightful contributions. Making us grow larger with this kind of insight, brother.
Kiran |