Title: 26/08/09 - Trinsic Moot - Day 3 Post by: Hoagie on August 13, 2009, 05:08:09 pm 8pm ~ World Leaders Meeting: Tradition for these types of gatherings, all of the self-proclaimed "World Leaders" are invited to take seat and discuss what their motives are for the current conflicts and if there's anyway for some common ground towards that tranquil place called peace. This will take place at 8PM GMT at the Central Halls.
Also at 8pm ~ The Beacon's Grand Paperboy Race: Solve riddles to work out where the papers need to be delivered to. Whoever delivers all the papers correctly in the shortest amount of time, wins a prize. This will be taking place at the same time as the meeting, 8PM GMT. Meeting at the Park. 9pm ~ Joint Training: After the Paperboy Race there will be a joint training with the Yewish hosted by the Guardsman Militia on the roof of the Covian outpost in Trinsic. Title: Re: 26/08/09 - Trinsic Moot - Day 3 Post by: Raiden Morana on August 25, 2009, 11:24:52 pm *pins to the top of the board*
Anyone attending the joint training with Yew at the Covian outpost will be awarded 1 Guardsman Duty or 1 Training mark provided a report is submitted. Title: Re: 26/08/09 - Trinsic Moot - Day 3 Post by: Linaeus on August 25, 2009, 11:52:15 pm The Baron's Own Grenadiers shall be expected to attend in force!
Title: Re: 26/08/09 - Trinsic Moot - Day 3 Post by: Raiden Morana on August 26, 2009, 09:28:23 am *repins to the top*
Title: Re: 26/08/09 - Trinsic Moot - Day 3 Post by: Cocidius on August 26, 2009, 05:12:44 pm Wednesday (http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h200/Onomatopoeia_photos/Moot-Wednesday.jpg) Last nights activities didn't let down in the way of drama. With a murder, several arrests, and possibly more to follow. The Moot is still promising to get even better. At 8PM GMT, we have The Grand Beacon Race. Hosted by the people behind the famous newspaper of Trinsic, you will be required to form into groups of three and use your wit to write and deliver your own newspaper. The rules will be explained in more detail once you all gather at the West Gate. Then at 8:30PM GMT, the leaders of the states of Britannia will be required to take a place in the Central Halls for the infamous "Peace Talks". Each leader is allowed to bring one other representative with them, but no more. It seems after the evenings events, a few parties have been planned to take place around the City, so keep an eye out for them. Signed, Deacon van Cocidius III. |