Title: [Report] Tough as nails! Session 1 Post by: Demarian Tel'var on August 17, 2009, 03:17:04 pm Date:16/8/09
Time:2030hrs Guardsmen leading: Demarian Tel’var Guardsmen Attending: Commander Raiden Morana Grenadier Sergeant Torrak Keres Scout Corporal Aliryl Trefynwyd Senior Scout Jennifer feather Senior Arcanist Kas Valentine Officer Cadet Elizabeth Martin Regular Grenadier Darek Milako Regular Grenadier Marcus Kobra Junior Guardsmen Rita Whalebiter Junior Guardsmen Thomas Aylmer Watchman Dave Williams Watchman Kelban Guardsmen recruit Ruby Whalebiter Well after the promotion parade a few happy face's, with there new ranks and uniforms and lovely sparkling uniforms... that was about to change in the next hour I'd have dented there armour given them something to moan about. Anyhow ended up waitinf a moment for the line to be sorted, after that gave them a short little speech about it wouldn't be much fun and even then two Arcanist's wanted to leave typical always the magi that aren't strong enough to tolerate abit of pain! (http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/685/67492403.jpg) Made our way into Cove town from the barracks here I had them do a couple of exercises using a log for training there arms and endurance... from there I had them do some swimming though Feather couldn't swim, remind someone to teach her before our next naval encounter. From here I had them do some hand to hand combat training having the men pair off and practice a few jabs here and there before splitting them into two groups and heading off to the Orc fort unarmoured to practice healing... they did pretty well we only lost a Watchman that ran ahead and got out numbered.. managed to kill the orcs before they finished him, good lesson for him to stick with the group in future. After a clean sweep of the fort, we returned to Cove town to finish off with a free for all... Before I dismissed the men. Good first training session more to come though... ~Signed~ Demarian Tel'var Title: Re: [Report] Tough as nails! Session 1 Post by: Darek Milako on August 17, 2009, 05:05:47 pm Well thanks, Ah woke up t'is mornin' as sore as a camel tha's been walkin' fer 2 years an' 'ad no shoes on, plus teh ground 'e was walkin' on was uphill fer all t'em two years! *Grits teeth and moans while writing this and strains to put the quill back down*
~Signed In A Weak Manner~ Regular Grenadier Milako Title: Re: [Report] Tough as nails! Session 1 Post by: Raiden Morana on August 17, 2009, 05:11:36 pm A fine session indeed Tel'var!
*signed* Raiden, Commander. |