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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Tweeso Pebble on May 31, 2005, 03:44:40 pm

Title: Rich and Plundered! , a Successful treasure hunt.
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on May 31, 2005, 03:44:40 pm
Hullo! Meb thought it was good writing a report yup.
So Valiro Gryphonclaw helped meb to gather some Guardsmen willing to help meb search for this treasure. So to thank the Baronship Militia meb gave 'em a good share. To sad meb cannay remember all who attended but me thinks meb got all

Hunt lead by: Cap'n Tweeso Pebble

Those who Attended:

* Watchman Vlad
* Junior Guardsman John Dell
* Regular Guardsman Tiolas Amildor
* Corporal Arc
* Junior Ryan Greystone (Atleast looted up! *Grins*)
* Recruit Moon

Then it was one recruit meb nay reconize , But If yoube reconize yourself on the sketches. Then reply! yup!

Sow.. Now to the story.
We all met up at Britain Moongate. When thems metal-heads atleast got into the line meb checked the map and we moved swiftly to the pass of Britain City.


Locating the closest safe stop as the Crossroads of Skarabrae and Britain and Yew. The three corners of the Governor Vlad of The Crimson Rogues me thinks.
And meb followed the right cordinates through meb Sextant. Them guardsmen stumbled after abit and we found the Treasure. And a gweat Twesure it was!
Tripple big as a big treasure it was! yup!
So meb marked the place , Told Arc to get 'em metal-heads ready and me started digging and digging.........

After everyone happy..... almost..
Arc opened us a portal and back to the barracks we were. Hopefully it will be good militia next time helping meb!

Cap'n Tweeso Pebble

ps. With help.

Title: Re: Rich and Plundered! , a Successful treasure hunt.
Post by: Gregor Eason on June 01, 2005, 02:15:11 am
Good show, Tweeso!
As for that unknown Recruit... Recruit Cor'Ari?

Commander Eason,
Covian Guards & Baronship Council

Title: Re: Rich and Plundered! , a Successful treasure hunt.
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on June 01, 2005, 12:43:57 pm
Hum.. Cori got nay short hair.. Anyways , that one surely reconize himself on the sketch. If that one reads the board.
