Title: For too long has the Leviathan been allowed to live!(Net Found) Post by: Delfer on August 18, 2009, 09:13:25 pm S' right. I'm going to have it killed for my junior trials. It's such a brilliant idea.
But I can't exactly find a Leviathan without one of those fancy Fabled Fishing Nets. You know, the shiny white ones? Yeah. I need one or the hunt won't be happening. And I need to know whether I can find a net or not before I get my trials up! So time is of the essence. Anyone wishing to direct me to one, sell me one or donate one, post here! POST NOW! P.S - It took me forever to figure out how to work the color thing so I think that's extra incentive to uh.. You know.. *Wink* Title: Re: For too long has the Leviathan been allowed to live! Post by: Kas Valentine on August 19, 2009, 08:44:13 am I shall go fishing once I get home from work !
I'll even make the golem I promised you as well. However, I may just as likely do neither of these things. S'see how it goes. Title: Re: For too long has the Leviathan been allowed to live! Post by: Delfer on August 19, 2009, 05:01:22 pm Just bring me the net! Title: Re: For too long has the Leviathan been allowed to live! Post by: Escaflowne -V- on August 19, 2009, 05:30:52 pm I have a fabled fishing net you can have Delf, been meaning to restock on them anyway.
I'll give it to Hoagie to give to you Title: Re: For too long has the Leviathan been allowed to live! Post by: Delfer on August 19, 2009, 05:35:31 pm Thanks Escaflowne! THE NET HAS BEEN FOUND! |