Title: *Letter left at the desk of Aliryl Trefenwyd* Post by: Kiran on August 21, 2009, 11:17:13 pm *A letter send to Aliryl, Corporal of the scouts, Cove.* Greetings, Corporal. I have send the letter we both agree'd on, here is a copy of it. I hope it is to your satisfaction, I am having it delivered as we speak by Maccen. Yours sincerely, Kiran -Copy of letter- (http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/6776/jierdan.png) Title: Re: *Letter left at the desk of Aliryl Trefenwyd* Post by: Aliryl on August 22, 2009, 10:12:05 pm Kiran,
We shall see what, if any effect this will have. Aliryl |