Title: Blacksmiths? Post by: Veldrin on June 01, 2005, 03:09:17 am I acquired a fire beetle recently (for free, because the person selling it was very generous and probably thought I was a newbie by the looks of my armor!) to train against my frenzied ostard. But as I quickly found out, the ostard is quite a bit more powerful than the beetle. (I barely saved the poor thing's life). So it appears I no longer need it!
If there is anyone else in the guild who might like it, maybe someone with a smith, I'd be happy to give it away. If so, give me a ring in ICQ at 174-674-957, or let me know here. Or something! ~Senaria Title: Re: Blacksmiths? Post by: Veldrin on June 02, 2005, 07:29:14 am I guess not then!
In that case, I'm hiring someone to decorate my house. Payment is a firebeetle! >.> Title: Re: Blacksmiths? Post by: Gimbly on June 02, 2005, 07:38:17 am I not need em beetle as you know but if you need furniture and deco things,
Ultan can make you such things (carpenter, tinker,...) ;) |