Title: The Fight for Glory Post by: Kal/Mathew on August 28, 2009, 04:07:13 pm Led By: Grenadier Sergeant: Torrak Keres
Attended By: Regular Grenadier: Marcus Kobra Junior Guardsman: Rita Whalebiter Regualer Guardsman: Derek Milako Watchman: Kelban Longleaf Guardsman Recruit: Ruby Whalebiter Guardsman Recruit: Vaughn Goodwill Guardsman Recruit: Keitaro Kazami Guardsman Recruit: Bersi After be summoned to the Barracks, Sergeant Keres told us that we were to set out to the public portal and to line up. After getting there we lined up and he then told us to head theought to the place called Compassion that we were there to fight for Glory. We then headedthrough and lined up once again then headed east ot the portal to a place filled with Liches, Green Zombies and Skelital Knights. Some bone wizards were there as well. (http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3466/uo0001i.jpg)(http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/5901/uo0002n.jpg) (http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8579/uo0003g.jpg)(http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/8269/uo0004l.jpg) (http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/2948/uo0005s.jpg)(http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6757/uo0006i.jpg) Once there were greeted with hostility as were made our way through the doors we were then greated by a Golden Lich that tryies to claim our lives with no success. One by one we made our way deeper into the vile filled place laying to rest that stood in our way. The deeper we went we were almost over whelmed and Sergeant ordered us to FORM. And soon we were standing in the center of alot of dead corpses. After awhile the Sergeant ordered a slow retreat to the out side the Entrance. Once outside at th entrance we quickly layed to rest anything that followed us as we were then ordered to return to the public portal. Once at the portal we were then ordered to return to the Barracks. Three Golden Liches was killed and everyone donated their share of the gold collected to the Coffers Signed Watchman: Kelban Longleaf |