Title: [Report] Bashin' Titans for Cash! Post by: Ruby Whalebiter on August 28, 2009, 07:07:50 pm Attended:
Guardsman Recruit Ruby Whalebiter (leading) Junior Guardsman Rita Whalebiter Due to a few grevious accountin' errors, the amount o' cash I needed to make before promotion was gettin' silleh. Rita suggested a lootin' expedition to Ilshenar. We dove through a random gate, and ended up at some kind o' camp-thingy full of giant one-eyed wotsits, and pantsless helmeted svelt guys, with tans. We set about Whalebiterin'* the lot of them, and taking their stuff... FOR CASH EARNED: LOTS. (http://www.pixelmancy.com/uo/GuardDuties/RUBEH/smashin_titans.jpg) * verb - the act of beating something senseless in order to take their wallet. |