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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Jenifer Feather on August 29, 2009, 01:43:35 pm

Title: Template Help...
Post by: Jenifer Feather on August 29, 2009, 01:43:35 pm
Right.. I'm getting pretty fed up of my template.. it is pretty poor and I want a change from poison, poison, poison... but only if I can change to something fun/funny..  at the moment my skills look roughly like this..

115 fencing
110 anatomy
110 tactics
95 healing
70 poisoning
100 hiding
80 stealth
15 focus (thats just a left over.. was aiming for more healing and poison)

Im thinking of going for

110 swords
90 Lumberjacking

instead of fencing and poison..

then bashing people with a 2 handed axe for lolz..

If anyone knows more than me about making a better stealthing build then let me know! The lack of Parry and Focus is fustrating me as well.. >.<

Thanks in advance to anyone that decides to help ^^

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Kiran on August 29, 2009, 02:48:46 pm
Might as well just called yourself chaffers 2... Get archery tbh, best pvp skill out there for stealthers next to the poisoning. All depends on the current situation, but as a stealth archer you can sit in the shadows and wait to strike, almost certainly bringing down the runners.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Escaflowne -V- on August 29, 2009, 07:22:15 pm
Lumberjacking for Damage bonus with axes is useless unless you get GM Lumber and even then for a lumber template to be really good you'd have to get 120 tactics and 120 anatomy in my opinion.

As Kiran said, Stealth archers are very good :).

But in my honest opinion, Tamers all the way baby! Tamers run tings :P

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Jenifer Feather on August 29, 2009, 07:57:50 pm
Hmmm! Thing is with archery is that I would have to actively train it.. Since I already have swords on another character... Hehe. I've never really done archery, I'll look into it.. Or maybe I'll just get parry and swords insted and use 1h swords.. Though that seems a bit pointless... Maybe I'll just stick to poison for a bit..

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Khaelieth on September 01, 2009, 10:34:40 am
For those speaking ill of lumberjacking I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay [at PvP]! It doesn't help too much though if you do the numbers, but meh. Have an assist macro ready for disarming your axe and for heal and refresh and you'll do alright. Only thing is archers will always pummel you regardless, so I've got archery as well.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 01, 2009, 01:41:37 pm
You need 80 poisoning. (Makes applying deadly 100%)

100 fencing
100 anatomy
100 healing
90 tactics
90 hiding
80 stealth
80 poisoning
80 focus

(if you need you can drop focus to 60, and play with the remaining points)

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 01, 2009, 01:45:13 pm

Do. Not. Turn. Into. A. ORNATELOLOLOL. Person. Please.


Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Park Su-mi on September 01, 2009, 02:58:27 pm
Er, one more for the stealth archery bandwagon. A well made stealth archers kicks the shit out of a poisoner these days.

Two or three stealth archers together are just deadly.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 01, 2009, 04:48:59 pm
More importantly.


Do. Not. Turn. Into. A. ORNATELOLOLOL. Person. Please.


Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Darek Milako on September 01, 2009, 04:56:09 pm
Gah if this wasnt RP templates we had to deal with i could help. But as said above me Stealth archers can be pretty lethal. But yea if you're going for fun/funny i'm not much help. Infact I shouldn't have even wrote this...lol

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 04, 2009, 11:40:06 pm
120 archery                     
120 fence                       
100 tact                       
100 anat
90 heal                   
30 hide                               
80 stealth                           
80 med                               

Ive had alot of fun with this template, use shadowstrike for hiding when it matters. Warfork and (heavy)Crossbow together is deadly, noone can get away:) If Archery and Fencing scrolls are too expencive for you just use 115's and bump healing to 100.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Morgar on September 05, 2009, 01:36:15 am
Interesting, given that you haven't got enough hiding to use stealth at all.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Linaeus on September 05, 2009, 03:19:43 am
Interesting, given that you haven't got enough hiding to use stealth at all.

Incorrect. Hiding skill has nothing to do with ones ability to USE Stealth, but rather ones ability to train it. This means that you'll have to start out with adequate Hiding, train your stealth to the desired level, soulstone your hiding off, and buy 30.0 from a trainer.

Did it in Geralt, works just fine. :P

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Morgar on September 05, 2009, 12:05:21 pm

Is awesome.

My apologies! Gimpy though.

:D though I tried being a fencer/archer. Very quickly dropped fencing altogether, archery works fine for up close and personal I found. If I wanted it just for disarm, I'd probably take wrestling, as it's always a good surprise when they disarm you...

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Me'an Silen on September 05, 2009, 12:45:36 pm
i dunno im working on a Fun little temp =D Stealth Archer mage, il get back to you on the umbers when im not grounded =C

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 05, 2009, 12:51:59 pm
The stealth archer mage will just fail so hard.

...You can only have 700 skill points not 7000.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 05, 2009, 12:59:32 pm
Interesting, given that you haven't got enough hiding to use stealth at all.

Incorrect. Hiding skill has nothing to do with ones ability to USE Stealth, but rather ones ability to train it. This means that you'll have to start out with adequate Hiding, train your stealth to the desired level, soulstone your hiding off, and buy 30.0 from a trainer.

You can train stealth and use it as long as hiding is at 30 or above. If hiding is below 30 you cant use it or train it. I just lock hiding at 30 and raise stealth further up to 80 (on my chars that it is in their personalities that they aint the best hiders but more focused on fighting) 30 Hiding is the bare minimum you need to have to stealth succesfully. (I do however not reccomend it for the more unexperienced pvpplayer)

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Park Su-mi on September 05, 2009, 05:01:00 pm
Seems a little bit lame to me, I can't really imagine the RP justification for being a stealther that can't hide. Especially if you're relying on something like Shadow Strike.  :-\

It's also a template that relies on getting, like, every moving shot off while they're disarmed which is a hard enough ask even fighting someone without a weapon in their hands, but imagine coming up against a parrier?

Then you have to factor in mages against whom you're just another archer. The 120 scrolls will help - but without the extra bump to tactics and anatomy your damage output isn't going to be as high as it should be. It's almost like a burst damage template (blasting them whilst disarmed) without the burst damage? =P

I was recently a stealth archer/fencer and I just found myself never using fencing. It was fun in theory and, as you suggest, disarm followed by some crossbow abuse is a good combo but a much more devastating style is just to simply concussion spam the fook out of someone with range with Meditation and Focus tickin' up your mana. ;)

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Me'an Silen on September 05, 2009, 05:33:48 pm
ive managed to get it to work and i can use the mager spells and then arm up a bow and run around while waiting for mana, and i can use telliport to get to placed they cant get to me such as rooftops durring battle

Its a good temp and its fun its an ambush temp mainly for not 1v1 more for like a scout ambush or big battle

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 05, 2009, 05:45:20 pm
Some people are delusioned that 120 = pro skill and results

When it's obviously simple the best pvp templates are the simple ones, and they rarely have 120 spam.

Edit - Obviously, people like Celv may be unkillable 1v1 or whatever, but his template isn't much use in group pvp ;)
Mind you, Celv's templates change every 20minutes so I have no idea which he is now.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 05, 2009, 06:13:22 pm
Seems a little bit lame to me, I can't really imagine the RP justification for being a stealther that can't hide. Especially if you're relying on something like Shadow Strike.  :-\

It's also a template that relies on getting, like, every moving shot off while they're disarmed which is a hard enough ask even fighting someone without a weapon in their hands, but imagine coming up against a parrier?

Then you have to factor in mages against whom you're just another archer. The 120 scrolls will help - but without the extra bump to tactics and anatomy your damage output isn't going to be as high as it should be. It's almost like a burst damage template (blasting them whilst disarmed) without the burst damage? =P

I was recently a stealth archer/fencer and I just found myself never using fencing. It was fun in theory and, as you suggest, disarm followed by some crossbow abuse is a good combo but a much more devastating style is just to simply concussion spam the fook out of someone with range with Meditation and Focus tickin' up your mana. ;)

I tend to like the more untraditional templates:) And that particular template is made to ambush people, disarm, bleed, moving shot...never failed me. And on the hiding note, when you can use hiding skill(pushing hiding macro) to hide...you usually have time to fail a few times...and when relying on shadowstrike for hiding in action packed situation...its no different then a char that has 100 hiding. And who's to say you cant play a character that aint great at hiding/stealthing...just adequate?

Some people are delusioned that 120 = pro skill and results

When it's obviously simple the best pvp templates are the simple ones, and they rarely have 120 spam.

Edit - Obviously, people like Celv may be unkillable 1v1 or whatever, but his template isn't much use in group pvp ;)
Mind you, Celv's templates change every 20minutes so I have no idea which he is now.

Its true you dont need 120 skills to have a good template, but it helps. Now Ive said it before, I dont like the traditional templates much. I try to have different templates (as much as individual guilds alow it within their ranks) so I can play differently then most people expect. My templates usually works well in groups and in solo. Currently Cel is a pure mage btw, and he is not unkillable 1v1, Hoagie killed me once:P

Also adding that ive played UO for 12 years soon (rping for 9) and the traditional templates bores me to death.

Kudos to Me'an for thinking out of the box ;D

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 05, 2009, 06:35:59 pm
Heh, I was referring to your mace/mage template, where you had to take a day off work to pvp against you.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 05, 2009, 07:09:24 pm
Heh, I was referring to your mace/mage template, where you had to take a day off work to pvp against you.

Thats a good and fun template. People should use it more. Many tactics at your disposal.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 05, 2009, 08:16:40 pm
It was utterly boring to fight against you/that template.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 05, 2009, 09:14:45 pm
It was utterly boring to fight against you/that template.

Most people should love a challenge, not that I was a challenge, but you get what I mean. If people didnt experiement and try different templates out we would all be sitting here with a mace/parrier or stealth/archer or another very standard template, that would thoroughly put a nail in the rp community coffin at least for me. And dont say "Rp is so much more then pvp" I am very much aware of this, but pvp in rp is what draws most attention to it at this time.

Another fun template to play is:

120 fence
120 ninja
80 poison
100 heal
120 stealth
100 hide
80 medit

Not ideal for solo, but great in a group. Tried and tested.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 05, 2009, 10:52:17 pm
That's a more classic template.
Templates like that are fine, it's when two skills are combined that're lightyears apart, and they barely work.

@ The mace/mage template it wasn't a challenge, just utterly boring. Like chasing a vorpal bunny around the forest for an hour.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 06, 2009, 01:04:24 am
That's a more classic template.
Templates like that are fine, it's when two skills are combined that're lightyears apart, and they barely work.

@ The mace/mage template it wasn't a challenge, just utterly boring. Like chasing a vorpal bunny around the forest for an hour.

Well I dont remember ever running from anyone on that template, except when I had 5 Yewians on my tail. And I dont see how it would be more boring then a stealth/archer template. I mean, what options does that have...concussion blow and mortal...whoopdedoo:P And I totaly disagree with you, two skills combined can make a much, much better template then one that does not. Mace/Mage for instance...unbeated template for the whole time I had it. Ive had lots of other dual and even triple combined templates and they worked great. I once had a mage/melee/poisoner...worked like a charm. Think more out of the box Dec:P

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 06, 2009, 10:05:39 am
I do think out of the box, but you have to remember we're RPers also.

I'm not disputing that your templates arn't fun, just not fun to fight against. Ever lasting fights outside an arena, etc.

I've toyed with templates like that, but never found the RP appeal/pvp need to try them.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 06, 2009, 12:16:57 pm
Fights that lasts long are fun in my opinion, better feeling when someone actually wins. Short fights are boring...cause that just means someone was much weaker. Fights that are evenly matched lasts a while. (usually)
But I think we have different opinions in this matter.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 06, 2009, 12:42:09 pm
Indeed, I don't mind long fights.
Just any fight I had against you usually ended up in running from Minoc to Cove, or Trinsic to Britain, with one of us getting bored and just wandering off.

-Which is how I remember your templates. :P

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 06, 2009, 01:56:14 pm
Hehe likewise then. If some people cant bring eachother down, I dont think its the templates fault.

Another fun archer template for this thread:

120 archer
120 Sword
110 tact
100 anat
90 heal
100 medit
80 poison

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 06, 2009, 03:54:11 pm
My archer -

115 Archery
115 Tactics
110 Anatomy
80 Hiding
75 Stealth
70 Medit
60 Focus
95 Healing

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Celuvian on September 06, 2009, 05:21:56 pm
In my opinion, youre either a perfect hider or a lousy one. 20% fail chance aint worth it. Either 100% or 30% for my templates.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Delfer on September 06, 2009, 09:28:55 pm

Think this is going off topic.

Plus I think Jen got what she wanted from this thread already.

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Jenifer Feather on September 07, 2009, 12:53:07 am
I agree.. If i could lock it i would! Thanks for the enthusiasm though guys! Going to look into switching to archery..

Title: Re: Template Help...
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 07, 2009, 09:18:39 am
I agree.. If i could lock it i would! Thanks for the enthusiasm though guys! Going to look into switching to archery..


Interesting reading for us Pvp noobs but there you go Jen. ;)