Title: An interesting conversation Post by: Garak Nightchill on August 30, 2009, 02:27:10 am Boss,
A few days before the Trinsic Moot I happened to be in Trinsic looking for leads into some loose ends that seem to be plaguing us. I happened to come across Escaflowne and a Trinsic guard he called Reann. I missed some of the conversation but managed to overhear a few snippets, mainly concerning Van and our old Trading Company. At the Moot, after speaking to Van about certain 'trade' opportunities in Trinsic, I mentioned what I had heard and he seemed grateful. The gist of it seemed to be that the drow, particularly one named Vierna, had been seeking to harm Van and his wife Madeline, though this Reann had put an end to it. It was also mentioned that Madeline has incurred the ire of our old Trading Company. Becca was mentioned by name. Reann seemed keen that this threat be ended and Esca seemed to agree, albeit is wary of the threat the Vesper Trading Company presents. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/spy-1.jpg) -Mask Title: Re: An interesting conversation Post by: Kiran on August 30, 2009, 04:58:45 am Dearest brother. I am unsure myself exactly to the Vesperian trading companies doings in the current struggle I have with Jierdan. Whoever is with me was forcefully removed from there so I am unaware of any "threats" they make be able to do. However I know Jierdan, I know how craft he can be and I am aware this... threat, could possibly be a real one. Vierna has been i nthe past a friend to our fraternity, our brotherhood if you will. She was there after the mill incident, she was there to help us reclaim Vesper via our Baron Jasin. I am unsure exactly to what to do in this cucrent situation except keeping our eyes open. I would suggest what to do is pursue the leads you have found, my dear, and continue to be watchful. However as we are returning back to Cove soon I am sure meetings can be set up to speak more to Van and this Reann person, perhaps we can find out the whole story... I do not for any reason wish to cross Vierna, however I do not wish to see Van suffer needlessly... He was once my delightful subject, and he will hopefully be again. Tread carefully my friend.. As for your deed done, I am most pleased as this could be quite crucial in our trades with Trinsic.... You have done well, I shall ensure a bag of coin is send your way for your efforts. Kiran. Title: Re: An interesting conversation Post by: Kiran on September 14, 2009, 10:41:58 pm Fifteen shillings awarded to Kalam for his developing ideas.
Kiran |