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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Miles Steadfast on September 01, 2009, 11:49:53 pm

Title: Torrak's Training in Serpent's Hold.
Post by: Miles Steadfast on September 01, 2009, 11:49:53 pm
This is meh first repor' in a long time, but I believe ah've mastered the pen again!
            Freshly recruited and still smelling rosies, Torrak [Grenadier Sergeant], hassles me into a line, which I'm told will be my first training. I though',
            "'Appy days, I alreadeh know how to form a line!" Buh we're promptleh teleported to some god forsaken Island named Serpen's 'old. 'Ere, it all goes pershaped!

Commanding officer {Torrak Keres - Grenadier Sergeant.}

In Attendance.
{Thomas Aylmer - Junior Guardsmen.}
{Olfacha Serpent - Regular Scout.}
{Darek Milako  II - Regular Grenadier.}
{Edward - Guardsmen Recruit.}
{Marcus Tel'Var - Junior Grenadier.}
{Delferium - Junior Grenadier.}
{Averion (Me) - Guardsman Recruit.}
{Bersi - Watchman.}
(Garak Nightchill - Senior Guardsmen}
{Aliryl Trefynwyd (The bloddy 'ell?) - Scout Corporal.}
{Celuvian Haap - Junior Guardsman.} (Came very late.)
There was a 'ell of a lotta fightin', so ah only 'ad time for a cou'le o' sketches.


Teh Blues won one round, and a smashin' victoreh it was n'all.

But then.... .. . Weh kind of lost every otha' round...

Averion, Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: Torrak's Training in Serpent's Hold.
Post by: Delfer on September 02, 2009, 12:36:46 am

You should go into detail about the exercises and different battles that occured, who won, and why. Perhaps readers may learn a thing or two.


Title: Re: Torrak's Training in Serpent's Hold.
Post by: Miles Steadfast on September 02, 2009, 02:41:39 am
I would sir, If it weren' for meh leavin' early like...
