Title: Sunday 6th September - 6 PM - Church Mass Post by: Roland Dagorian on September 04, 2009, 07:47:23 pm When: Sunday 06/09/09, 6 PM
Where: The Church Bring: A tithe of gold (75-300 coins is ample) An identical parchment is nailed up on the Barracks and Green Goblin entrances, bearing a large ankh at the top People of Cove, The Church shall be holding Mass. The Guardian moveth and his shadow doth descend upon Cove. Black cats prowl the woods. The dead doth stir restlessly in their graves to the east. Come and give worship to Avatar, confess thy sins and learn of His Will. Thou shalt hear the bells toll at the sixth hour after noon, upon the seventh day. Bring forth thy tithe. In Nomini Avatari, Roland Dagorian |