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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Darek Milako on September 09, 2009, 04:47:58 am

Title: Altmere!! We're coming to ease your minds! (Report)
Post by: Darek Milako on September 09, 2009, 04:47:58 am
Patrol of Altmere, Desert, and Swamp.

Lead By:
The Famous Commander Raiden Morana

Regular Grenadier Darek "Teh Great" Milako
Senior Arcanist Kas "Teh Pie Man" Valentine
Junior Grenadier Marcus "Sexy Man" Tel'var
Junior Grenadier "Teh One and Only" Falconheart - came later
Captain "World Renowned Love Maker" Hoagie
and Watchman "No Title" Bersi

Those who donated gold to coffers:

We lined up, ready for whatever our Commander asked of us. Which just so happen to be a patrol to Altmere to clear it of scum and make sure it rests safely through the night. Our Altmere cousins were in need of Cove's help, for we are the brute force that protects their tiny minds. So off we went to the Altmerian Outpost. As we arrived we were greeted by a troll and ettin. Rest assured we put them to bed. And then we commenced with our securing the outpost. Checked under all beds and tables, the Outpost was secure and ready to not be used. And with that we headed up to the most norther watch towers to clear them as well. There we were greeted by a group of bandits who didn't know how to use their weapons so we showed them. Sadly they'll never be able to put what they learned to use. With that we began searching the towers. I found a table where it looked like some Altmerians were having late night high stakes poker games. Wish they'd send an invite my way. So the towers were clear and with that Commander decided that we clear the desert of some harpies, orcs, and scorpions.

So off to the desert we marched, slaying scorpions and orcs of all kind. Leaving a trail of blood and tears behind us as we liberated the sands of evil. Took on armies of monsters at a time with no scratches on our armor to show for it. Covian power was too great on this day. I think I even saw Raiden kick an ettin into the water around the shrine and scream. THIS...IS.....COOOOVEE.....KINDA....but with that we cleared the sands of goons and layed rest for a small minute. Where people really should take the time to smell the flowers. *Kas* So with that off we went in a Covian swagger to the swamp where we shall cream the corn of the beings that grew there.

So here we are. In the swamp of sorrows and death. Little does man try to trench these murky lands but Covians disregarded that and went all out with the blood and ooze spilling. Slaying Plauge beasts and Bog things alike. Leaving a long trail of death and corpses that also lead Falconheart to us. With that we slayed and killed more, wrecklessly swinging our blades or shooting our arrows showing no mercy to the creatures that lay before us. The Altmerians had to put up with these creatures for far too long. We had to ease their minds so they could rest at night. We had to slay all that moved.

We also grabbed their gold! And I think Bersi got the pigeon number of one of the Orcs wifes! TAKE THAT ORC! But all in all the Altmerians rest easy now. Have no fear, for Cove......is here.

Regular Grenadier Milako

Title: Re: Altmere!! We're coming to ease your minds! (Report)
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 09, 2009, 08:56:51 am
With the Britannian Guards bein' absent landlords... More or less since the moment the Altmere was entrusted into their care after the Minoc Accords, Cove has always strived ter keep her former subjects safe.

The Altmerians have asked fer aid from the Baronship in the east and the Yewish in the west and so we shall continue our rightful duty, not that we ever stopped, of policing and making the Altmere province safe and free from molestation.

Good work men.


Raiden, Commander.