Title: (Tonight) Expedition 2 to Ter Mur 8pm Post by: Demarian Tel'var on September 16, 2009, 09:09:07 am With a few nudge's and irritations of those not able to come at the earlier time I've left it till slightly later....
We'll be meeting at 8pm..Combat gear is advised and sharp weapons Those that can't venture into the newlands something will be sorted for you to do.. instead of twiddling thumbs! Anyhow' those that can come gather at 8th hour! ~Signed~ Demarian Tel'var [PR]Stygian Abyss expansion required sorry!] Title: Re: (Tonight) Expedition 2 to Ter Mur 8pm Post by: Demarian Tel'var on September 16, 2009, 08:58:08 pm *Pins to the top* |