Title: Fresh Blood Event TONIGHT 3/6-05 20:00 Post by: John Dell on June 03, 2005, 06:12:52 pm John Dell stands at the boards thinking for himself. Plans did not go as planned on the day he was going to hold a recruit cadre. As John walks down for the healers to buy himself some new bandages he think for himself.
Hmm. Maybe it was good there was no recruit cadre today... Maybe there is more people around tomorow... John stops outside the barracks thinking he wanted a big recruit cadre, no.. he wanted a GIANT recruit cadre, he wanted his fellow Covians to run around all over Britains streets asking citizens to join. He want the Recruits Walking along two and two recruting youthful warriors, smart mages and handy crafters. He wants the watchmans to patroll the sewers and the cemetary. He want the juniors to hold the outposts all around the town, he want every outpost to be manned by Covian Guardsmens. He wants the superiors to control and superwise the others. He want tons of flyers all over Britains streets, atleast 1 guardsman recruing at the most populated buildings. He want the giant town of britain infested with Covians. He walks back to the barracks with a silly grin on his face, his thoughts has made his day, now he can go to bed as a happy Guardsman. But what his silly mind did not think of was that maybe the Covians did not share his ambitions, but for tonight he will sleep calm... Recruit Cadre When? Today, friday the 3 June 2005, 20:00 GMT Where? We will outside the barracks, then march off to Britain. How? Will be explained once there. Why? To get more Citizens in Cove, make it more enjoyable and fun. What? Parade weapon and armor. If yer a scribe ye can help copying Posters. Posted by Ganzo the Turtle feeder |