Title: Apprentice Task: Morgar Dyn Post by: Kelly Sanderson on September 21, 2009, 12:38:39 am Greetings Watchman Dyn,
Here is your first task as my new apprentice. I hope you exceed my expectations with your practical and pen-to-parchment duties, and I also hope you succeed beyond expectations under my consultation. The Task: You expressed to me your lack of thought towards a squad. Therefore, I would like you to conduct research into each squad, and conclude whether you wish to join one or not on becoming a Junior Guardsman. It is on the horizon, closer than you might think! You may choose to remain in the main block, un-squadded. If this is what you wish, there is no problem with that. However, I wish you to make sure that you are heading the way you want to go in the Covian Army. Please post me a full report below of your findings and thoughts (with reasons) on the three different squads plus the main block. You shall be rewarded the report as a requirement for your next promotion. Good luck, Watchman. *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant. Title: Re: Apprentice Task: Morgar Dyn Post by: Morgar on September 25, 2009, 05:00:24 am *A rolled up parchment, written in thick, careful, artless letters, with a handful of extremely scruffy drawings, all in pencil, is left for Sergeant Sanderson*
(http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/5299/report6.jpg) Title: Re: Apprentice Task: Morgar Dyn Post by: Kelly Sanderson on September 25, 2009, 11:42:37 am Excellent job, Dyn! A really good report.
Now for your next steps to becoming one of the finest guardsman! Keep an eye on the tasks! *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant |