Title: Grenadier Trials - Demarian Tel'Var Post by: Darek Milako on September 21, 2009, 05:36:12 am *Looks over the Grenadier boards to see that the Commander and Sarge is too busy to write up the new Grenadier trials. Darek eyes the name and gives a big grin.*
Well well, if the tables haven't turned. My once mentor is now receiving Grenadier tasks from his old apprentice. Good day indeed. Well let me see here.....wanting to return to the Grenadiers -Again-. Well for this you must prove loyalty once more and this time something drastic. We'll put you to the test once more brother. Let's see what I can cook up for you. Tasks First- Hold a hunt to the Abyss and and claim as much of the newly discovered rat man town in the name of our Baron. Do this by placing the Covian colors in at least 5 different spots with a full report as proof. You must bring at least 4 other guardsmen with you. Third- Now we can't make this easy can we? So grab the best of the best and hold a Grenadier hunt. Grenadiers and Grenadier potentials only. We have to see how you do with sticking with the brotherhood once more. You got to take your group to slay a beast your familiar with. Yamandon. Bring your brothers and brother-to-be's to the beast and claim its head. Yes I know you've done the trophy hunt for it. But another hunt will suffice in brotherhood trust. So make me proud old friend. Lets get you in the bronze arms once more. ~Signed~ Grenadier Milako Officer Cadet of the Barons Own Title: Re: Grenadier Trials - Demarian Tel'Var Post by: Demarian Tel'var on September 21, 2009, 08:49:27 am Hmm seem's easy enough... honestly no challenge is to great for me I've done it all.. Heh!
Beside I can still teach you a thing or two my young apprentice! ~Signed~ Demarian Tel'var Title: Re: Grenadier Trials - Demarian Tel'Var Post by: Demarian Tel'var on September 23, 2009, 10:08:45 pm Task1
Date:22/9/09 Time:2030hrs Guardsmen Leading: Demarian Tel'var Regular Guardsmen Attending Guardsmen: Junior Grenadier Falconheart Watchman Bersi Watchman Keitaro Kazami Guardsmen Recruit Hayden Shepard Well, with no plans for the eve.. recruit Shepard got into gear and we had him do some small hunt into the Underworld, get some key's and crap so he could enter the Abyss once this had been done... line of command was mine. We headed into the Abyss, warning them that this place is extremely dangerous the first inhabitant are the Hellish sort hounds, Cats, Lizards and Snakes also some pesky fire ant's that are extremely dangerous in pack's and could level a a poor form without much aid between each other, we managed to dig right into them before we were hit on all sides by a massive swarm of Ants and Snakes with the Odd lizard to Occupy them things started to get a little out of hand and we retreated to the step's where we slaughtered them one by one, and got our fallen onto there feet again. Was at this point a group of fire Daemon's appeared where from I do not know.. just they were causing absolute havoc, after some close run In's we made for the goblin slave camp where we slaughtered the filthy little creatures thieves and trickster's.. all of them.... we got to a point of safety at the Silver Tree (http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/4142/73018885.jpg) where we took a sapling and plant it' there some magic to it, quite mysterious can telport you and your belongs to the seed's location if your knocked on your arse. Past some undead and into the remains of what once was a Gargoyle city, the Slasher of Veils is said to be here. A huge daemon like beast which I haven't seen before passing through the city on alert, nothing was found until after the dome when a fleeing Rat was ripped apart by the slasher.... larger than any Daemon I've ever seen and you freeze in terror almost, as it looks at you those fiery eyes filling your vision. We managed to loose it and headed for the rat Encampment to the South where.. a little game of domination was at hand, slaughtering the filthy creatures and there pet's and mechanical constructions we slowly took each area with the Covian colour's... let's just say they know who' literally smashed them into the ground now! We headed back out after a few more clean sweeps's and... I decided to give the slasher a beating before we leave seen if it was killable, so with the few brave souls as men we tackled the creature a few taints decided to help and... a small epic battle raged on we had it on the run if only little damage you could tell it had weakened... its magical powers are overwhelming much like that of a Crimson Dragon which invaded town's throughout Britannia with its followers of Armageddon... Ten Thousand gold was collected....and given to the Grenadiers. ~Signed~ Demarian Tel'var Title: Re: Grenadier Trials - Demarian Tel'Var Post by: Darek Milako on September 23, 2009, 11:07:03 pm Good Job Demarian. Now Cove lays claim to land in the Abyss. The Baron should soon work up a tax on those rat men occupying the area soon. Well one task down two more to go then bronze is back on your arms and explosives in you bag. Keep up the good work.
~Signed~ Grenadier Milako Officer Cadet of Barons Own Title: Re: Grenadier Trials - Demarian Tel'Var Post by: Keitaro Kazami on September 23, 2009, 11:48:52 pm (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Kentaro_01/Demtrail.jpg)
Title: Re: Grenadier Trials - Demarian Tel'Var Post by: Darek Milako on October 05, 2009, 03:18:57 am *Pulls out from under pile of papers*
Title: Re: Grenadier Trials - Demarian Tel'var Post by: Demarian Tel'var on October 05, 2009, 01:46:39 pm Task 2: The Armsmaster!
Date:4/10/09 Time:2030hrs Guardsmen Leading: Regular Guardsmen Demarian Tel'var Attending Guardsmen: Commander Raiden Morana Sergeant Grenadier Torrak Keres Officer Cadet Darek Milako Officer Cadet Kal Shadowhand Regular Scout Olchaffa Serpent Junior Grenadier Delferium Valoris Watchman Keitaro Kazami Watchman Kennit Tel'var Watchman Bersi Guardsmen Recruit Hayden Shepard Guardsmen Recruit Heather The Armsmaster followed the burning of Guarsmen recruit Deburg for his crimesi n freeing the heretic and murderer Mischief, I'd like to think of it as an Olympic blessing for the Armsmaster! Anyhow' quite a few turned out this year Twelve in total inculding myself though I originally didn't wish to enter. The Matches went as followed with some brutal skilful combat! Heather Verus Edward=Edward Kal Shadowhand Versus Torrak Keres=Kal Delferium Valoris versus Keitaro Kazani=Delferium Darek Milako versus Kennit Tel'var =Kennit Raiden Morana versus Olchaffa=Raiden Hayden Versus Demarian Tel'var=Hayden Kennit versus Delferium Valoris= Delfer Kal Shadohand versus Edward=Edward Raiden Morana Versus Hayden Shaepard=Raiden Final fights! Raiden Morana versus Delferium Valoris=Raiden Raiden Morana Versus Edward=Edward Edward versus Delferium Valoris=Edward Armsmaster Champion=Edward 2nd=Raiden Morana 3rd=Delfeium Valoris (http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/3527/33148194.jpg) Congratulations to Edward on winning'.. was quite unexpected.... especally that match against Raiden' he had him down in four linking Shots! Thank you for all attending and bette look next time those who lost! ~Signed~ Demarian Tel'var Title: Re: Grenadier Trials - Demarian Tel'Var Post by: Demarian Tel'var on October 11, 2009, 08:43:19 pm Task 3:Grenadier Hunt
Date:N/A Time:2045hrs Guardsmen Leading: Regular Guardsman Demarian Tel'var Guardsmen Attending: Regular Grenadier Raven Junior Grenadier Delferium Valoris Junior Guardsmen Rita Whalebiter Watchman Louis Calvera Guardsmen recruit Star Summers Well my last task probally the easiest but sometimes challenging if you can't find no aspirants or Grenadiers! Again want to try.... a certain weald realm the elven created to keep some evil creatures trapped.. so we headed to Yew Heartwood to get permission to enter the realm upon being granted this... acception we headed for Spirituality in Ishenlar and into the Mushroom cave... into the sparkling weald into the realm... Delferium was being Sort of hostile and started killing pixies and things near enough getting us killed until I sorted it out,... I speak some slight Fey not very well but managed to calm them... Fey here have large wolf like creatures called Cu-shide and they aren't exactly nice.. to fight. Main opposition as we moved through the realm were black wolves and changelings damn doppelgangers'... must have killed an army of them including some more spiteful ones Fey called them Irk(Orangy fire likeone)and Spite(Green one) (http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/611/91472383.jpg) We managed to beat them, a blue wolf...called Gnaw used to cause trouble or something a few spider's nasty thing's... just jumped out of the swamp... at you cut them down and.. carried on.. got a bit tedious and icky at certain points we managed to pull out with the aide of the Fey' and Dryad's... we gathered around Twenty thousand odd coins which went to the Grenadier's. ~Signed~ Demarian Tel'var Regular Guardsmen |