Title: Apprentice Task~-~Louis Calavera Post by: Darek Milako on September 21, 2009, 09:59:18 am Dear Louis,
Since everybody else is giving tasks to their apprentice's why not throw you one too eh? Well let's see how prepared you are for you life as a guardsman let alone an inspiring Grenadier. You gotta prove strength and courage among other things such as loyalty and obedience. Let me see here. then. Time to learn how to command and give orders. Hold a training where you will give orders and commands to refresh memory in the guards. Then take us to a dungeon and test your command abilities and tactical thinking. If unsure of your abilities inform me. I'll schedule a meeting for us to go over some tactical ideas and such. Good Luck Louis! ~Signed~ Grenadier Milako Officer Cadet of the Barons Own |