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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Demarian Tel'var on September 21, 2009, 12:29:39 pm

Title: 21st Armsmaster Tournament! Sunday 4/10/09 8.20pm!
Post by: Demarian Tel'var on September 21, 2009, 12:29:39 pm
When:8.20pm Sunay 4/10/09
Meet:After Parade!

Right as part of one of my Grenadier task's.. I need to once again hold a Armsmaster Tournament... sadly we arn't blessed with the Grand Covian Arena anymore so I'll find a nice little location to set it up on! Candidates wishing to enter must sign a roster I will put up on the board's!
The roster will close 2 days prior the Tournament!

Best of luck and hope to see you there!

Rules attached Below:

Rules and Questions and Answers

What is the Arms-masters Tournament?

Its a chance to prove your worth among the people of Cove, each man or woman is up with a suit of armour and a weapon of their choice and use this to compete in the biggest tournament of the year.

When is the Arms-masters Tournament held?

The Tournament will take place on a weekend, hopefully once a month duty permitting.

How does it work?

Each participant will be given a suit of armour and weapon and their names entered into the draw. They will be drawn out of a hat on the day and pitted against eachother in armed combat and the winner advances into the next round, only one will be victorious.

Who can take part?

Anyone in Cove can take part in the Tournament, thats right, not just the Guards !

Wow ! So what do I win?

You win the respect of your fellow Covians and your name will be noted down and added to the Archive of Champions, where people will be able to see the winners and losers for each Tournament.

The Winner will recieve a Halberd of one of three metals (Apigite, Verite or Valorite) with the date of the event!


 - No Arcane usage of any kind (Magery, Chivalry, Necromancy or Spirit Speak)
 - No Bushido or Ninjitsu
 - Only potions Supplied may be used!
 - No Hiding
 - Only the weapons you are issued may be used in the Tournament.
 - Only the Armour given may be used in the Tournament
 - Only 5 bandages per bout and 1 heal potion
 - No Fancy moves to be used during the tournament

If any of the above rules are broken, you will be imediately ejected from the tournament.


Weapons will be decided on the day!

Title: Re: 21st Armsmaster Tournament! Sunday 4/10/09 8.20pm!
Post by: Demarian Tel'var on October 02, 2009, 07:32:17 am
*Pins to the top*!

Don't forget to sign up!

Title: Re: 21st Armsmaster Tournament! Sunday 4/10/09 8.20pm!
Post by: Demarian Tel'var on October 04, 2009, 10:00:13 am
*Pins to the top*