Title: Notion of insanity.. Post by: Kiran on September 23, 2009, 03:57:51 am (http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/1112/elven.png)
My brothers... As I lay in the hospital bed writting this for my friend to place it, I can only help to wonder what happened to me this night... My ears ruined, cut to resemble that of the lesser race of the elven kin.. I want revenge, I want us to make a war on these elves, the Covian streets shall run with the bloods of elven kin as I find the responsible people.. This is not for coins anymore for me, my brothers, these bastards must suffer, my days now spend looking like a abyss spawn! I shall have heads... I want heads.. *It seems as if the report here has been stabbed repeatedly, the paper ruined slightly..* I demand it, brothers... go find these men, make them suffer, oh yes my brothers, we shall make these son of witches suffer.. My family, go forth and find information regarding these attacks... they must be elves to have made me this abonimation... people in Cove I figure... they are to be found... Make me proud brothers... Yours in humility... Kiran. Title: Re: Notion of insanity.. Post by: Kiran on September 24, 2009, 05:53:29 am (http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5973/strikes.png)
The menace struck once more... only a day after, two men, perhaps the same, but the voices were muffled due to the similiar black hoods... I need people out there finding out who these god damned elves are! *A quick if hurried signature at end...* Kiran. Title: Re: Notion of insanity.. Post by: Maccen on September 24, 2009, 06:25:34 am * Mutters and scratches phrases into a bed post*
"Take em ears and wont be no tax; Destory the womb, end the line; Bleed em all, their no friends O' mine" |