Title: [Report] Revolution in Progress? Post by: Darek Milako on September 23, 2009, 05:15:04 am *This notice is written very clearly*
This eve we were attacked by two robed maniacs. I was sitting in the Goblin when Hayden ran inside being chased by these two people. They were fiercely attacking him without mercy. So I grabbed my bow as fast as possible and started to attack. Unfortunately Hayden was knocked and it was me against the two. I lasted a long time but the mud caught my boots and I was helpless. As we were recovering in front of the barracks Morgar and Maddy came. They guarded us for a while but then one of the robed ones popped out of the Shadows and screamed "Revoulution!" After that the other came out as well and they quickly took Maddy down knocking her out. With that Morgar pursued following by a hidden Edward. They didn't capture the people but they came back in good health. Edward is slick for being such a big boy. Not sure why but previous to this Kiran was attacked and had his ears hacked to be pointy like the elven. This is probably connected. Kiran was found in the Goblins kitchen and inside sat Me'an and Kelban. Whom claim they didn't know anything about it. When the attack happened they went to check on people. Kelban to Heather and Me'an to his sister. Not sure if this has anything to do with it but I thought it should be mentioned. Whatever this is for, it's a Revolution of sorts as claimed. It may not be good. Grenadiers be aware and keep eyes open! Update: They just attacked again in the Goblin. They attacked Cavalier Reiver of the Knights Templar. (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1874/revolutionpl.jpg) */OCC Really wish I screenshots. It was funny seeing REVOLUTION! Then Maddy of all the people there get pwnd. Also this is not me on any alts. If you do not know who it is. You'll have to wait for another attack. Or join them. ~Signed~ Grenadier Milako Officer Cadet of the Barons Own Title: Re: [Report] Revolution in Progress? Post by: Hoagie on September 23, 2009, 01:59:30 pm Yes, because a healer and a random member of a Knight's Organisation are clearly to blame for this so called "oppression". It's always nice when these rabble uprisings defeat themselves by being complete muppets.