Title: {TASK}: Supplying the Army Post by: Maccen on September 23, 2009, 10:56:10 am Seeing the notice for Arms and armour I set out to contract the work. My first stop was in Minoc where I placed an order for 12 Long Swords, 12 Broad Swords, and 12 Viking Sword, all made from Verite ore.
The smith soon agreed to a fee 10,800 Gold Crowns. It was a large fee but he swore up and down that the Verite veins in Minoc where running dry! preposterous that but I suppose em Baron can reimburse me for this fee. The order of weapons placed I then took to the moongate and made for New Haven. The bloke here was more than happy to do it for free seeing as Cove helped them during some troubled times or such. Unfortunately he could only make 3 of the suits I required. I settled for 3 suits free than all at cost and made back to the gate. I then trudged onward to Britain. Here I would start at the large smithy across the bridge from the city proper. Being a large industry I had hoped they might fill the last of the order. After much negotiation we settled on 5 sets at a cost of 4,000 gold Crowns. I still needed 4 more sets so I took to my last resort and made off to Jhelom the Isle of Fighters. I was in luck here. Some special was being run on armour and I was able to get all 4 sets at 3,500 Crowns plus one extra set for free. Seems it was "Arm yer Mob Day." In Summary: Weapons Total: 10,800 Gold 12 Verite Broad Sword at: 3,600 Gold 12 Long Sword at: 3,600 Gold 12 Viking Sword at: 3,600 Armour Total: 7,500 Gold Three Sets Crafted In New Haven: FREE!! Four Sets Crafted In Britain: 4,000 Gold Five Sets Crafted in Jhelom: 3,500 Gold Goods should be ready for pickup as I write this. The Baron may wish to commission pack animals in order to retrieve this burden. Please remember to pay in cash, I don't do checks. . . whole empty coffers and mercenaries thing again you see. *Signed* Maccen Korten, Goblin Doorman, Baronship of Cove (http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1179/armourfinalb.jpg) Title: Re: {TASK}: Supplying the Army Post by: Maccen on September 28, 2009, 06:31:13 am *BUMP*
Title: Re: {TASK}: Supplying the Army Post by: Freckletip on October 01, 2009, 01:35:38 am Mr Korten, enclosed are 50 shillings for your work... but I'll refer you on to the barracks to negotiate the rest of your fee.
*signed* P Freckletip Steward |