Title: A new brother Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on September 24, 2009, 03:47:24 am I have completed my evaluation on the potential brother Edward.
Last night I approached him in a mask and ordered him to meet me in a secluded spot in yew next to abbywood. There i had prepared a final test of his will and allegiance to the brotherhood. I had caught a local farmer and tied him to a tree and jabbed a knife into the wood above his head. I told Edward to kill this unarmed, helpless man in cold blood. This would prove once and for all he had what it took to be in the brotherhood. The ruthlessness, the drive, the ability to follow every order without question. Edward hesitated with the dagger in his hand at first, but after a surge of confidence he managed to bury the blade into the mans heart and slice his throat with a wimper from both men. After the deed was done we left the man hanging limply from the tree and made our way to swaggers where i showed hi the right place to file away reports. Edward will make a fine addition to our group. I have watched him turn from a fat mess to...a fat mess...who's a crack shot with a crossbow! Title: Re: A new brother Post by: Kiran on September 24, 2009, 04:10:37 am Most wonderful news indeed, Olchafa, I shall look forward to seeing this mans prowesses as a man of the brotherhood..
I wish for all of you to welcome our new Brother Edward, as I understand it from our brother, Olchafa, he is quite the marksman... knowing with the recent elf uprisings this could become useful. Welcome to the family, brother, I hope you will be a splendid addition to our midsts. Many missions and reports for you to be doing out there... I shan't occupy your time with long pieces of writtings.. I shall have fifteen shillings awaiting your next arrival, Olchafa, for the delightful work you have displayed.... Once more, welcome, brother. Kiran. |