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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Me'an Silen on September 25, 2009, 04:58:47 am

Title: We NEED help For...
Post by: Me'an Silen on September 25, 2009, 04:58:47 am
This plot that could be REALLY Big and Fun for cove.  THE REVOULTION has started if any are intrested in actuly helping it please post below lets try to get this plot up and movin

Basicly its a movement aginst the new taxes imposed by the baron FUN FUN FUN. Rules are:

1: No Harm shall come to those who Dont support the Tax or Did not Attack us
2: When bringing down a supporter of the Tax/ a Tax Collector. We take their gold!
4: NO harm shall be delt to the Baron. we are still loyal just trying to Fix the unfairness

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Marcus Kobra on September 25, 2009, 06:25:09 am
Since yer going AGAINST the Baron's taxes. Expect charges of treason and DEATH as a result.

That is all, I would hate for you to ever be caught. For a man dances a funny jigg when strung by his neck.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Me'an Silen on September 25, 2009, 07:46:39 am
i have ever intention of not getting caught

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 25, 2009, 01:05:30 pm
i have ever intention of not getting caught

Even so, anyone commiting treason we be dealt with severely IC up to and including permadeath so if you're willing to commit a character then also be willing to face the consequences of your actions. ;)

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Hoagie on September 25, 2009, 02:28:28 pm
"I'm loyal, just leading a revolution!"

That's a new one. :p

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: airlesspenguin on September 25, 2009, 03:05:51 pm
I belive if the church gets ahold of ye ya will be burning alive.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 25, 2009, 03:16:06 pm
You realise alls it takes is for someone to knock you in PvP, and reveal you?
Not meaning to knock you 1337 pvp skillz, but that's not going to be all that hard.

Think twice before plunging into revolutionary actions with your main char, else you may find yourself without said char.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Demarian Tel'var on September 25, 2009, 03:18:32 pm
I did it on my GRD Egrad... Honestly I regret it thought it was fun.. Prema death sucks mate!
As Declan says use another character or don't do it at all

Beside someone like Dem will just hire old friends(Assassins) on you, and trust me these old friends are nasty and will do the job very well! So I'd think twice. Your also on the brink of being promoted don't screw it.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Kennit Tel-var on September 25, 2009, 04:19:39 pm
Makes perfect sense to me

Completely Loyal yet unhappy with some of if not all of the choices made by someones king/lord/duke's administration etc

Look at the English Civil War

there wasnt any thought at all of abolishing the monarchy, just removing one crooked King in their eyes,

While the majority of them just fought to limit the amount of power that could be used oppressively over them

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: airlesspenguin on September 25, 2009, 05:29:21 pm
Like Dem said. We are just worried you will regret this later. Great idea. Bad endings. Just looking out for ya bud.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Edward Striker on September 25, 2009, 05:30:47 pm
Revolution Eh!

That’s nice dear!  But how will it change the Taxes???  The Baron will put a bounty out on all those who oppose him, and the tax will still be there!  Or he’ll replace tax collectors with soldiers to collect his tax, or worse, he’ll require the army to escort each tax collector to enforce on the spot payments!  And in doing so raise the tax rates to pay for the army having to do the mission!  Its what I would do if I were Baron.  Better yet, I would assign Grenadiers to the task, that way if they are attacked its High Treason!  Because an attack on a Grenadier IS and attack on the Baron!  

So if you want better or fair taxes or better yet!  No taxes at all you have to do one of the following:

A.  Put together a delegation and request to see the Baron and voice your opinion in a smart thought out way, giving a better solution to how to tax the people of Cove.


B.  And your not going to like this one!  Remove the person who is imposing the Tax (aye that means whack the Baron).  

You do plan A first and when it fails, you try it again.  When it fails a few times then you use plan B.

Other wise your going to be nothing more then murdering thugs, killing a few of your fellow citizens over something that will not change, and may even cause it to get worse!
So you might want to think this out just a tad bit more?  Cause they will kill you for it!

With that said, I know a Guardsmen who hates taxes!

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Me'an Silen on September 25, 2009, 05:42:34 pm
I thanbk all of ye who worry for my Main char but in all honesty. my main char is a civi now working on United crafts

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Park Su-mi on September 25, 2009, 05:59:55 pm
My former main, Hedlyn ap Rhyn, has been in hiding since the end of Rbl and I can tell you leading this sort of revolt is harder than it sounds. You need a decent concept and to keep your ideas fresh because if you all you do is go into the tavern, gank people and run off because the consequences of being caught are fatal then it's going to be 0 fun for BoC and it's going to get boring for you, too.

It's going to be doubly unrealistic if the characters you're using for this are actual militiamen, too.

A number of Grd got caught up in the Rbl mess, as Dem says he was one of them and he was perma-killed for trying to get Rbl to target churchmen for the Besiegers. Te'ani Lanoor, Hedlyn's now-wife was presumed dead after being shot by Waywatchers when she was discovered to be sneaking off with the rebels even though she never so much as shot a Guardsman.

Before you take this "Revolution" idea further I'd think seriously strongly about how much you want to commit to it, if your character's worth losing for it and what exactly is the outcome when you inevitably fail? Keep in mind that guilds like BoC and Grd are unlikely to change their concept drastically as the result of a minority faction's uprising IC or OOC so the idea of "winning" is unlikely.

If you want to stop Kiran's tax-man evil regime then your best bet is a far more covert, RP'd, subtle approach and not using Hooded Shourds (the worst of all "disguises") to gank the mean-mens that picked on you because you're an elfy welfy. Especially given that this latter approach will eventually (and trust me on this) breed resentment in your targets no matter how graciously they take defeath and IG death.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Radek Wilkes on September 25, 2009, 09:34:06 pm
You also need a small group of deidicated pvpers to not get caught, which without blowing our own trumpet, is what Rbl had. And why Rbl was able to last so long.
You will get caught, and your character will get perma-killed. Unless you've developed some uber skillz and an uber template overnight.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Marcus Kobra on September 25, 2009, 09:56:41 pm
Glad to see the man getting sound advice. Now Silen I hope your not taking as us telling you -not- to do it. The concept -can- be fun and I took my ganking the other night rather graciously as my character had a job to do though I full well knew he was no PvPer and that I myself would suck even with the LEETest template.
But yes, I must say ganking the group, and then showing up so shortly after makes it rather easy to suspect you.

Good luck to your idea. And best regards for your multitude of characters.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Aliryl on September 25, 2009, 11:38:06 pm
Its already a bit fail on this anyway as you have so far not been very wise and a certain someone has been accused of leading this and will seek revenge on insubordinates.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Park Su-mi on September 26, 2009, 12:02:36 am
Its already a bit fail on this anyway as you have so far not been very wise and a certain someone has been accused of leading this and will seek revenge on insubordinates.

Chuck Norris!?

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Kiran on September 26, 2009, 03:19:18 am
Is easier to just lead a life of a law abbiding civilian like myself.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Darek Milako on September 26, 2009, 04:00:30 am
Its already a bit fail on this anyway as you have so far not been very wise and a certain someone has been accused of leading this and will seek revenge on insubordinates.

Chuck Norris!?

HAHAHAHAHAHA cuz Anna calls Darek the Chuck Norris of BoC

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Aliryl on September 26, 2009, 02:04:16 pm
*Grins* Cove's own hero.

But back to the topic, don't want to be locking the thread.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 26, 2009, 08:54:53 pm
Regardless of how it turns out, good to see some initiative spicing up life in Cove.

Title: Re: We NEED help For...
Post by: Kiran on September 27, 2009, 01:56:04 pm
Yeah, thats whats most important, does make my black heart feel all gooey actual spontaneous roleplay being done to counter my taxing ways!

*El pat on the back*