Title: *A letter delivered to the Baron of Cove* Post by: Kiran on September 27, 2009, 11:23:28 pm Greetings my liege.
Today, Sunday, day known as the most splendid in Covian history was one which I will remember with little joy my lord. The reasons are two fold.. Firstly I thought that it would be best if my tax men quietly taxed the citizens whom attend such places downstairs, to be sure I got the ones which usually escape my nets, so to speak my liege. However this was all not to be as intended, the Commander of Cove made quite a show of threatning myself in public, as I am a man merely performing my tasks I thought I just note down what was said rather then go on about it. As we are both aware, my liege, the commander is a busy man. However I find it is no excuse for him to disrespect your own household so publicily. I am merely metioning it to you as I am sure the respect and dignity of your own servants are of an importance to you. (http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/1383/information4.png) However more shockingly, after the taxation was done, including Malibaum and Penny finally, 1800 coins accounted for, the man known as Edward Striker, responsible for keeping the tavern open threatened me publicily due to the "Arseness of the taxes" Quoted directly from his own mouth. I felt it wasn't my place to punish him there and then as I did with Spud Goodsoup some months earlier. Mostly due to my own protection as I have been attacked previously by people whom are... unhappy with the taxes. I am merely informing you my baron as I am positive you yourself are currently busy with more important bits then the pennies of Cove. However the man known as Edward Striker had the notion of keeping the tavern closed untill he could meet with you... (http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/2015/information5.png) I am unsure to your response on this matter my liege, but as I am merely a man of the houshold I took these news to your own ears, to hear what you would ask of me to do in reply. I am unhappy with the notion that the tavern will be kept shut till such date. If you wish it I could have some of my men discourage him otherwise with talks, but I thought I leave the decision to you, my lord. I hope this letter recieves you as always in good health, my lord. Yours faithfully in service. Kiran of the Baronial household, Bailiff. |