Title: *A Notice left on the Grenadier HQ Desk* Post by: Linaeus on September 28, 2009, 02:57:05 am Grenadiers,
It has come to my attention that a number of the citizens of Cove have reacted violently to the Baron's recent decree regarding taxation. First allow me to say that if any of you are among this group of dissidents, you will be dealt with. Secondly, if any of you witness a citizen of Cove - no matter their rank or status - resisting taxation by anyone wearing the uniform of the Bailiff's office, they are to first be politely reminded that the Bailiff is acting on Baronial decree, and, if they continue to resist, taken into custody and given ten lashes. The Bailiff of Cove and, while wearing the uniform, his employees, are members of the Baronial Household. As such it is our purpose as the Household's guards to protect them and, in some cases, aid them in the execution of their duties. The Baron will not tolerate dereliction of duty by His Grenadiers. Do not disappoint him. *Signed* Sergeant Torrak Keres Baron's Own Grenadiers |