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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Linaeus on September 28, 2009, 04:06:09 am

Title: An Urgent Letter to the Baron
Post by: Linaeus on September 28, 2009, 04:06:09 am
My Liege,

I take no pleasure in the writing of this letter, but I feel that not expressing my concerns would be nothing less than the dereliction of my duties as a Grenadier. There are a number of things that I feel you should be aware of. Most concerning is the lack of discipline and loyalty in the Officer Corps and amongst the upper classes of the peasantry;

1 - Corporal Trefynwyd has openly disobeyed, and encouraged the disobeyment of, your recent decree regarding taxation. She is also a suspect in the recent attacks on the Bailiff.

2 - Captain Grayner is romantically involved with an elfling who is known to have reacted violently towards one of the Bailiff's men's attempts to carry out your will. He has also made some off-color remarks regarding the taxes, albeit minor ones.

3 - Railen Morana, the Commander's Wife, has been one of the most vocal opponents of the Bailiff, on occaison refusing to pay taxes and encouraging others to challenge the tax collectors' legitimacy.

4 - Edward Striker, owner of the Green Goblin, has closed his tavern in protest of your decrees. This not only causes unrest amongst the now refreshment-deprived Guardsmen, but also interferes with the economy of Cove.

5 - Commander Raiden Morana publically threatened the Bailiff and his Taxmen at parade today, interfereing in their duties and setting an exceedingly poor example for the lower ranks. All the while, Corporal Trufflewind Trefynwyd was whispering in his ear, likely slandering the Bailiff and your good name.

The rest of the offenders are too low in rank and influence to be of any great concern - they will be dealt with. However I have seen fit to consult you before taking action against those listed above. I await your orders regarding this matter, and remain your humble and loyal servant.

*Signed as neatly as he can manage*
Sergeant Torrak Keres
Baron's Own Grenadier

Title: Re: An Urgent Letter to the Baron
Post by: Octiovus on September 30, 2009, 08:36:41 pm
Auribus Tenere Lupum

It is most grave indeed to hear about such endemic disloyalty and dereliction of duty amongst the higher echelons of Covian Society and Army High Command. I have suspected such for some time now, and I shall be launching appropriate measures of repudiation forthwidth. Those found guilty of disloyalty shall be severely punished.

*Signed flamboyantly*

Octiovus Von Richter