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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Me'an Silen on September 28, 2009, 10:32:41 pm

Title: Dragoons? Common man!
Post by: Me'an Silen on September 28, 2009, 10:32:41 pm
  Should we Dig into the history of Cove and bring back the Hero's we loved and knew? ive been thinking about it for awile and today someone brought it up so i thought WHY not post and see! this is an open poll to see the support for the Dragoons. After you vote please post opinions or if you would put a char in the Dragoons should they be brought back

Title: Re: Dragoons? Common man!
Post by: Delfer on September 28, 2009, 10:36:58 pm

Dragoons weren't taken away because no one liked them, inactivity caused their removal.

Bringing them back will only spread us ever more thin. And with our numbers now, we can hardly handle the scouts and Grenadiers. Scouts don't do their tasks, and the Grenadiers don't have any. Dragoons will make everything harder.

Title: Re: Dragoons? Common man!
Post by: Linaeus on September 29, 2009, 01:11:38 am
As Buttons says, reinstating a second infantry squad will only stretch our numbers out even further. At the moment we're just managing to keep the Scouts and Grenadiers staffed, and the Arcanists are fleshing out rather slowly. Bringing back the Dragoons could only be successful if the Grenadiers were disbanded to compensate - and as far as being integral to the concept, culture, and history of the Covian Army, the Baron's Own Grenadiers beat the 4th Altmere Dragoons by a long shot.

In my completely unbiased opinion, No.

Title: Re: Dragoons? Common man!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 29, 2009, 01:25:18 am
As above really.

Although the guild is as vibrant and healthy as it has been for some good time diluting the army with more squads doesn't really add any value.

We have enough guardsmen to sustain the three squads and the main block, a thriving civilian and criminal element and also a resurgent Church, so there is much to be proud of in BoC. However at this point in time I don't foresee an imminent return of the Dragoons, Highlanders nor Marines/Navy unless membership continues to increase and guardsmen of sufficient numbers get themselves promoted to Junior. ;)

Title: Re: Dragoons? Common man!
Post by: Railen Morana on September 29, 2009, 01:47:54 am
So, if you really want new sections in the army...Recruit, recruit, recruit!

That said, it does not count if people just keep making alts.
It would take more active player numbers, not just guild member numbers to pull it off I should think.

Title: Re: Dragoons? Common man!
Post by: Maccen on September 29, 2009, 03:46:13 am
Aye, I loved em Dragoons but I can't say now is the time. Bide time, make armour and train horses if ye wish. But Dragoons not comming back until we see a major number of active members, Say a full 20 individuals whom are not alts of anysort meaning these 20 would have to be COVIAN and no other guild, association, etc. And well thats not going to happen especially with so many whom don't stay or live past Watchman!

I'd love to seem em back, sure others would to. Now aint the time and that time may never come.