Title: Explaining yourself.. - Completed. Post by: Kiran on September 29, 2009, 03:06:43 am (http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/3923/information7.png) My dear brothers... betrayal is what is feared most within our organisation... I am unsure exactly what has occured but Vaughn my new dear brother... it seems you have indeed done the unthinkable and told someone of us... someone who hates me.. I shan't jump to conclussions brother, maybe she was making it up, but a explanation is needed... two betrayals this month, first Lacrima then Kelban turning out to be infiltrating our unit... now a third..? My dearest brother, I have given you all you desired... and now this... I hope a explanation is forthcoming, or else I am sure my brothers shall be joyed for the company you might give them otherwise.. Explain yourself, brother... |