Title: Corruption ! Post by: Kiran on September 30, 2009, 02:53:47 am (http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/5336/darek2.png)
Seems our friend Darek has taken the protection of his own Nephew a step too far... mayhaps is a idea if we set up this little bastard as he does seem to believe all that scoundrel says... I want people to try and set up thisGregory so if he ever should turn up to a court session his words would mean nothing. Twenty shillings for an attempt, depending on report more will be added.. And I thought we were meant to be corrupt... Kiran. Title: Re: Corruption ! Post by: Edward on September 30, 2009, 03:00:03 am (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/1393/darek3.png)
Title: Re: Corruption ! Post by: Kiran on September 30, 2009, 04:18:18 pm I shall have ten shillings presented for your findings my dear, is good to know the Cadet's anger turned to unjustified fury..
Kiran. |