Title: A teacher. Post by: Kiran on October 01, 2009, 05:16:32 am (http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/556/saphira1.png)
Brothers, I realised why currently our taxation which has been on the books has come across so many obstacles... we lack someone innocent as a front man, or indeed, woman. I have informed Saphira whom now is under my protection that I would happily teach her to read for no fee, making her trust me and in the end offering her the job as a secretary for the taxation programe we have. I hope she will be deffinantly accepting my proposal when the time is right, as me, a kind old man has taken time out of his busy schedule to teach her of literacy.. You might all think of me as soft... but with her at our side we can indeed do more, as she will remain clueless and merely deal with complaints and the problems which come with the job.. People will look upon her, her clearly obvious innocence make them think twice about accusing us of corrupt ways.. It might take months... but the coins are rolling in... is best if we start taking precautions for the future so to speak.. Kiran. |