Title: *Envelope sealed with wax Ankh containing two letters for Roland* Post by: Darek Milako on October 02, 2009, 02:28:41 am Dear Father, I asked anybody that has come into an interaction with Kiran in a manner to prove him being wicked to write it down and send it to me. Here is one of those letters for your viewing pleasure. Grenadier Milako To whom it may concern, I have been asked to recount some of my past exchanges with Kiran, who is currently the Bailiff of Cove. When my husband was Baron of Vesper, Kiran approached me, after a visit to the teahouse, to grow and sell for him a couple of the herbs I have grown in small quantity and which I use preparations from for medical treatments, most notably Poppy and Nighshade. It is my understanding he wished me to grow them in larger quantities so that he might use them for his trade. I refused, as I dispense these drugs only to treat illnesses, both mental and physical. He found I used these drugs during times I have treated him for anxiety and severe injuries after his incarceration and torture in the Yewish Jails when he was charged with the Mill Incident. I have also personally witnessed Kiran muttering incoherently in Swaggers inn, and it is my opinion that he suffers from some sort of mental disorder at times, though he seems to be able to function in society, as I observed him muttering to himself on one occasion, then talking to me as if I were someone else, though that could be explained if he had been using of some sort of drug. This use of medicines may also explain why he threatened my husband to kill myself and our two infant children at some point, in order to try to illicit Van's Cooperation. Van in short order put him in his place, and the threats stopped. Upon our move to Cove, I was rather suprised to see he had been able to secure himself the position of Baliff, with the matter of Yew who is allied with Cove having a warrent still for Kiran's arrest and ongoing investigation in connection with the Mill Incident. I should like to state that I beleive their tactics of torture in their investigations to be unreliable evidence, however, I think it bodes ill for our illustrious Barons reputation to employ someone under investigation for such a heinous crime until such time that person has been cleared of all wrongdoing. I should also like to note that Taxes or business fees are a necessary part of keeping a town running, and I have no problem paying them to support the Baron's household which oversees the safety of Cove and its citizens. I hold receipts for both my payment and my husbands. Sincerely, Madeline Warmbow-Van Cocidius Herbalist and Healer, Baronship of Cove Title: Re: *Envelope sealed with wax Ankh containing two letters for Roland* Post by: Roland Dagorian on October 03, 2009, 10:17:18 pm Church Guardsman Milako,
Seek to learn all thou canst and report back hither. If he doth prove to be a criminal, 'tis a matter for the Guardsmen. But if he is a heretic or a wytch, then 'tis in the domain of the Church. Dominus vobiscum, Roland Dagorian Templar |