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Element boards => The Church => Topic started by: Roland Dagorian on October 03, 2009, 10:05:10 pm

Title: A Shrine to the Guardian
Post by: Roland Dagorian on October 03, 2009, 10:05:10 pm
My Lord Preceptor,

Some days past I discovered a shrine to the Guardian at the very gates to the Church.  Assisted by the Army, this blasphemy was removed, the ground cleansed by fire.  A parchment was left, the undead taking responsibility for this dreadful sacrilege.  I therefore led a patrol to the cemetary to cleanse it of the undead that doth stir there.  The crypt was also cleansed with fire.

In Nomini Deus,

Roland Dagorian


Title: Re: A Shrine to the Guardian
Post by: Roland Dagorian on October 03, 2009, 10:12:38 pm
5 Church Regard to:

Darek Milako, Church Guardsman
Aliryl Trefenwyd, Wytch Hunter
Cor'Vani, Wytch Hunter