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Element boards => The Church => Topic started by: Roland Dagorian on October 04, 2009, 02:18:01 pm

Title: TASK: Wytch Hunter Cor'Vani - Walkest where others may not
Post by: Roland Dagorian on October 04, 2009, 02:18:01 pm
Wytch Hunter Cor'Vani,

There are tales of a hidden underground city of wytches by the name of Wind.  This vile city doth be protected from the church by wytchcraft that permitteth entry only to those learned in arcanery.  This hath thwarted the Church's quest to destroy this haven of devilry, and doth permit these wytches to plot their evils unseen.  But now the time hath come for the Church to tear off this veil of secrecy.  As an arcanist and a servant of the church, 'tis time to make use of thee.  What foulness doth these wytches plot that they must hide so from the Church? 

Thy task is to journey to this den of evil and report on all thou dost see.  Sketch drawings of it's architecture, record it's citizenry.  Doth it be human or elvish?  Doth it be populated at all or hath Avatar seen fit to crush it?  Be wary of the dark temptations this den of wickedness may place before thee.

Can an elf and an arcanist truly serve the church faithfully?  I have my doubts.  I shall await thy report on this task, if thou art capable of completing it.

Dominus vobiscum,

Roland Dagorian

Title: Re: TASK: Wytch Hunter Cor'Vani - Walkest where others may not
Post by: Kal/Mathew on October 14, 2009, 01:35:24 pm
Father I have done as you have asked me to do, ans I must say father, what I have seen down there is most dreadfull and most Vile of a place you can ever send anyone.


As I walked the paths to the City I could hear the cackles of Liches and the Roaring of if I remember correctly to be Demons.



Father I think the sketches speak for them selves as you can see that there are several alters that look like they have been use quite abit and I would not want to find out what it is they actually do with them.

Everytime I think about all I had seen there I get choked up and really nervous about any inocent folks that wonder too close that CVile place

Signed Watchman: Cor'Vani ~ Wytch Hunter

Title: Re: TASK: Wytch Hunter Cor'Vani - Walkest where others may not
Post by: Roland Dagorian on October 14, 2009, 02:15:10 pm
Wytch Hunter Cor'Vani,

Thou hast not only ventured into Wind, but survived to report on thy findings.  Mayhaps thou shalt overcome thine elven heritage and serve Avatar further.  Mayhaps.

A satisfactory report that doth illuminate the Church on this vile place.  Liches.  Daemons.  Alters.  Truly a place of unspeakable evils.  Thou hast done well indeed.  The Church mayeth lack the means to besiege this haven of wytchcraft but we know now of it's existance.  I shall offer prayers unto Avatar that He doth remove this stain from Britannia.

I trust thou didst refuse all temptations placed before thee in this den of heresy?  I suggest thou dost undergo flagellation to purge thyself. 

Dominus vobiscum,

Roland Dagorian

20 Church Regard awarded to Cor'Vani

Title: Re: TASK: Wytch Hunter Cor'Vani - Walkest where others may not
Post by: Kal/Mathew on October 15, 2009, 06:50:22 am
Father! The urges were not hard to to refuse as talking to them made me cringe. I do pray that the Avatar see fit to better me as a Being.