Title: TASK: Church Guardsmen - City of Pride humbled Post by: Roland Dagorian on October 04, 2009, 03:36:54 pm Church Guardsmen,
It hath been some years since the City of Magincia paid for it's pride and fell to the Guardian's daemons. Lead an expedition to this city and report it's current state. Doth daemons still roam it's ruins? Hath refugees returned and rebuilt it? Thou mayest take those from the Templi Order, Wytch Hunters, other Church Guardsmen and non-Church Guardsmen with thee. Submit a report on thy findings. Dominus vobiscum, Roland Dagorian Templar Title: Re: TASK: Church Guardsmen - City of Pride humbled Post by: Garak Nightchill on November 02, 2009, 03:44:29 pm Led by: Guy de Villaret, Wytch hunter
Attended by: Gregor Eason, Senior Guardsman Cor'Vani, Watchman Keane Wakefield, Junior Scout Jassi Cowan, Guardsman Recruit Malagant, Guardsman Recruit Delferium, Regular Grenadier (joined later) Father, I led an expedition to Magincia, to ensure the town is free from the daemons that destroyed it. The town is almost completely destroyed, with almost every building gone. Curiously, the parliament building is untouched. The town proved free from daemons, however the spirits of the dead haunt the ruins and attacked us. We slew many. Without Avatar's cleansing fire, I regret to inform you the town is unsuited for Avatarian colonisation. In Faith, Guy de Villaret Wytch Hunter (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/magincia.jpg) Title: Re: TASK: Church Guardsmen - City of Pride humbled Post by: Roland Dagorian on November 02, 2009, 03:57:42 pm Wytch Hunter,
Thine expedition hath illuminated the current condition of Magincia. Indeed, the town doth appear to be haunted with the souls of the prideful heretics who did inhabit it and bring it low. I had hopes that the Church could prove instrumental in repopulating this town with an Avatarian population. Alas, it doth appear Avatar wills otherwise for the time being. Dominus vobiscum, Roland Dagorian Templar Guy de Villaret hath earned 20 Church Regard |