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Command Boards => Thieves' Den => Topic started by: Kiran on October 04, 2009, 05:55:05 pm

Title: Shade deal
Post by: Kiran on October 04, 2009, 05:55:05 pm

Brothers, those of you whom do not know Jackal, he is a old pirate and a old Brotherhoodian, he is also the catalyst in which our new enterprise shall rise up next to rival against the taxes of Cove. Shade my dearest of brothers I am talking of, narcotics of all kinds. However now it is the time for you my brothers to be out there working.

I am offering twenty shillings to a man able to a group of people or individuals able to supply shade to our unit. It cant be frown in Cove however as that is too close to the heart, so to speak, and far to close to those Scouts and Grenadiers... A report including detail shall reward more of course.

We now have the man able to carry the goods, what we lack is where to buy and store it... make me proud brothers, you have never failed me before..


Title: Re: Shade deal
Post by: Kiran on October 07, 2009, 09:01:09 pm

Oppurtunities to grow our own stash is everywhere, brothers, I am disapointed to see little progress in this matter, however it has taken me this long to only get that small extract... I shouldn't be disapointed in my family for being thorough in the jobs they do...


Title: Re: Shade deal
Post by: Kiran on October 22, 2009, 04:10:44 am

So the plants will grow, be sure to keep a eye on Anna, I would hate if she suspects it is shade she is growing.. Note also not to tax her currently as she is in my good books my family.


Title: Re: Shade deal
Post by: Vaughn Goodwill on October 23, 2009, 06:25:39 pm
 I am most displeased with the situation. I am quite concerned that you are making Anna grow your shade; annoyed to say the least. Angered? I would say so. Are you aware that I live with Anna? If your plantation is discovered, not only will Anna face the consequences of the law, but I too will will be punished. I will be lucky to keep my position in the army. The scouts already suspect I am betraying them. This risk I am not willing to take. I ask you find somewhere else to plant your shade, as I do not want the responsibility. I am also disgusted that you would take advantage of the most honest person in Cove in such a way. Please, find another way. I do not want Anna hurt.


Title: Re: Shade deal
Post by: Kiran on October 23, 2009, 07:45:05 pm
The plants shall grow there for now, Vaughn.

Find a better solution, maybe even find me a dealer, this for now is the only way. And do not fear, Anna is clueless and so is everyone else.  If you are so concerned by it, I would expect a report to indicate why, what other alternatives and what ways in which you gone to make it accessable for us.

Till then it shall stay as it is..


Title: Re: Shade deal
Post by: Kiran on October 28, 2009, 06:52:54 am