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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Star Summers on October 04, 2009, 10:58:55 pm

Title: [report] patrol to Covetous
Post by: Star Summers on October 04, 2009, 10:58:55 pm

Yesterday I lead patrol to Covetous.  I take many guard and they help me get much gold.  We all fight very good and kill much monster.  We first kill many bird and strange stone bird.  Next we kill much flying eye and big plants.  Then big spider which if two could kill us all.  Was said by Delferium Guard. 


We go to third level and kill many lich and ghost be many doors and big statues that speak.


Down steps we find big cavern and much big Dragon.  It was red and very scarey.  Dalamar Guard attacked and was hit down with big foot in one swipe was squashed.  We run back upstairs.


We leave dungeon and after much try we get out safetly.


Kas Guard come to portal us back home.  We bring back 18,000 in gold and all much happy with hunt, all say very good.

Lead by - Recruit Star Summers
Attended - 

Regular Guardsman - Markus Tel'Var
Junior Grenadier - Delferium
Junior Scout - Dalamar
Junior Guardsman - Rita Whalebiter

Title: Re: [report] patrol to Covetous
Post by: Marcus Kobra on October 04, 2009, 11:52:00 pm
I too attended this Hunt.


Regular Guardsman, Marcus Kobra.