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Element boards => The Church => Topic started by: Marcus Antonius on October 05, 2009, 01:19:32 am

Title: The marking of Garak Nightchill
Post by: Marcus Antonius on October 05, 2009, 01:19:32 am
Upon my reinstatement to the church  I ran into a known arcanist known as Garak Nighchill. During our meeting I noted he had not been branded with the mark of the arcanist.
I took it upon myself with the help of Raven to mark his shoulder.



The deed was done with the full cooperation of the arcanist in question and the process went very smoothly.

Title: Re: The marking of Garak Nightchill
Post by: Roland Dagorian on October 05, 2009, 01:28:01 am
Brother Marcus,

Already thou hast made thy presence known.  This elf-arcanist Nightchill hath eluded branding for some time. 

Dominus vobiscum,

Roland Dagorian

10 Church Regard awarded to Marcus Antonius