Title: Inventory Post by: Keitaro Kazami on October 07, 2009, 02:27:53 am Seen as it was slow and I had nothing to do I did an inventory of the food we had... as you can see we are in need of some items that I hope to get soon..
(http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Kentaro_01/inventory.jpg) *Signed* Mizuho Kazami Title: Re: Inventory Post by: Railen Morana on October 07, 2009, 10:00:02 pm If you would be so kind as to make a list of what is needed, I will be sure to have it delivered. We should let stores run out of the things we do not sell often, and focus on what is moving.
Title: Re: Inventory Post by: Mail Deliverer on October 26, 2009, 03:06:08 pm 20 Shillings Awarded ~ Mizuho Kazami, Goblin Head Cook
*signed flamboyantly* Amon Jarl, Burgher. |