Title: *A letter written to Commander Morana, marked "Urgent"...* Post by: Kelly Sanderson on October 08, 2009, 01:28:28 am Dear Commander,
It has just been brought to my attention by Cadet Shadowhand of some happenings this evening. Kiran, the Goblin Tavern Bailiff has been arrested by Yewish Guardsmen tonight and taken into their hands. They have reason to believe him as a suspect in the Yew Bombings. Their evidence for this is unknown to me. Shadowhand carried out some fine work this evening, and managed to be allowed into the interrogation. He has a report on the way including more details of this. He informed me of the arrest, as he saw it as his responsibility to let a Sergeant or higher rank hear of what he has seen this evening. Please contact me if you require any assistance in this matter, Commander. *Signed in haste* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant Title: Re: *A letter written to Commander Morana, marked "Urgent"...* Post by: Raiden Morana on October 08, 2009, 12:26:49 pm Sergeant Sanderson,
Ye are to arrange a permanent liason between the Yewish and ourselves in regard to the accusations against the bailif. Whether ye tend ter this personally or assign another officer or cadet to do so is up to ye. Kiran is a Covian subject and the Yewish at times get carried away with their 'justice'. Whether it be ShadowHand or whoever I want regular reports on the progress of the Yewish investigations. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |