Title: [9/10] Willyfist Reunion Gig - Drummer Needed Post by: Cocidius on October 08, 2009, 02:46:28 pm (http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h200/Onomatopoeia_photos/WFRG.jpg) When: Friday the 9th of October, 7PM - Midnight GMT. Where: The Goblin. What: Just come and bash out on the drums for us. Willyfist, forefront runners of the politically incorrect music revolution that struck Britannia years ago are set for a one off reunion gig at the Festival of Freedom in Cove this coming Sunday. Original members Van Cocidius, Jackal Verilax and your beloved Hoagie created such hits as "The Yewish Guard", "Authoritise This" and "Who's That Prick In The Purple Hat?" and were a huge sensation in Yew, Trinsic and Vesper. But had never actually performed in Cove despite huge demand for such, until now. Van Cocidius and Jackal Verilax will be returning to perform their classic hits, plus a special anthem that is sure to take over Cove in the coming weeks. Only problem is, the band lacks a drummer, as former band member Hoagie has stated his refusal to take part in the gig. So, auditions are open to all who wish to take part in this historical event and join up with the band for one night only. You must be an experienced drummer, and not be afraid to get boo'd off stage and later beaten to a pulp. Drums will be set up in the Goblin on Friday the 9th from 7PM GMT all the way up to midnight GMT. So drop in and give a bash. The selected drummer will be notified after midnight, perhaps Saturday morning. Title: Re: [9/10] Willyfist Reunion Gig - Drummer Needed Post by: Raiden Morana on October 09, 2009, 12:06:45 am *BUMP*