Title: * An order placed under the name "J Smith" * Post by: Maccen on October 12, 2009, 03:39:10 pm The following items are needed:
Two sickles (Bone Harvesters) Twelve Leather thongs (Strips of leather) for the making of a harness. One Keg of "Pesticide" Twenty foot of Hempen Rope. A saw. One set of long knives attached to gloves (Tekagi) Sewing needles. Three Yards of Thread. One hooded Robe. One Costume mask (Any mask that covers the face) One theater prop resembling an infant Five length of four meter chain. Chain must be sufficient to withstand 90Kg A suitable place and time shall be arranged for delivery. *Signed* J. Smith *NOTE: This task is entirely RP, Only items actually attainable in game need be procured. Shillings as always will be awarded for the creativity of your report. This order is needed ASAP* |