Title: Scout Trials - Keane Wakefield [Completed] Post by: Aliryl on October 12, 2009, 04:56:45 pm Congratulations on gaining your Junior Cap and despite my reservations about your suitability for the Squad, you have come a long way. Just goes to prove if you want something hard enough you will do whatever it takes to get it. I hope this will continue as you work to gaining your greens.
A task every Scout has gone through so far. The flute is something the Scouts use to find one another when lost or pre battle. It is also a useful item to identify one another whilst wearing a disguise. Retrieve the magical flute. The witch that lives in the Southern woods of Yew passed the crossroads will be able to point you in the direction of where to get it.
Information Gatherer "In the increasingly hostile and shady world of Sosaria, it is up to the Light Company to prove its worth as Cove's eyes and ears, watching out for emerging and old threats to the state of Cove and directing the army's efforts to destroy these threats as they arise." The task: You are to investigate one organization or town currently active and their diplomatic stance towards Cove. If no data is avaliable on their diplomatic stance, you should seek out a member of the group and question them on their stance. You are then to assign that organization or town which is hostile to Cove a threat rating between one and ten. You should back up your decision with evidence if possible. Places left to choose from are Yew, Trinsic, Skara Brae, New Haven and Minoc. Final Quest Not all our work can be left in plain view and no matter how hard we try often information gets leaked out. For this reason your last task will be handed to you in person. You must seek out the Scout Corporal. Be sure you have plenty of time as this final task will not be easy.
*signed neatly* Aliryl Trefynwyd Scout Corporal Title: Re: Scout Trials - Keane Wakefield Post by: Keane Wakefield on October 20, 2009, 12:10:05 am Scout Traditions I managed to find the wytch, Not sure why I was seeking out a wytch but.... I managed to find her in yew. She rambled on about losing her apprentice. So I followed the road in search for him. I approached a body which seemed to be her apprentice. I saw an imp which quickly disappeared. I returned to her to inform her that it seems her apprentice had been killed. She then sent me out to seek vengeance on the imp population. In doing this I was suppose to get a flute from one of them to find this "head imp" Eventually after a few imp kills one dropped the flute. I returned to her and told her I got want I wanted and she will need to find someone else to finish her little endeavour. I ran before she was able to cast a spell on me. (http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m31/airlesspenguin/Imp.jpg) *signed* Keane Wakefield Title: Re: Scout Trials - Keane Wakefield Post by: Aliryl on October 20, 2009, 01:04:20 am Good work Keane.. one step closer along the path.
*signed* Aliryl Trefynwyd Title: Re: Scout Trials - Keane Wakefield Post by: Keane Wakefield on October 20, 2009, 04:02:25 am Information Gatherer Aliryl, this may not be exactly what you are looking for. But I am going to fill you in on what I have observed from our Yewish allies. Meeting with the Waywatchers As followed is the report you requested from our meeting with the waywatchers. It seems from what I have gathered from the meeting, the waywatchers are on board with us on this investigation of the "brotherhood". They seem in my opinion a little to nosy on our internal issues. As like the demotion of Chaffers. Seems we both are on the same page about the issues. They prove to be decent allies in this regard. (http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m31/airlesspenguin/MeetingwiththeWaywatchers.jpg) Night at the Kings Deer I entered the Kings Deer for a drink, hoping I could strike up a conversation with the locals. From what I discussed with their Coporal, it seems they do not like our arcanist or the elves (no offense). He believes that one political spout and we could be at war again. He believed that our long term alliance with Vesper in the past makes us dangerous to them. He also believes that if Yew would get a duke things could also change. I believe there is a slight threat in this regard. With that being said I agree with the coporal Yew that the wrong event could send us into an easy war. (http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m31/airlesspenguin/Kingsdeer.jpg) In my opinion the threat is around a four to five. They seem a little unsure but seem loyal to the current arrangements. *signed neatly* Keane Wakefield Title: Re: Scout Trials - Keane Wakefield Post by: Keane Wakefield on October 20, 2009, 05:59:42 am Final Quest Meeting you in Cove, I got my most difficult task yet. So I left Cove with no armor, two hundred fifty arrows and some supplies. Into the lost lands I went. When I arrived I started to gather some basic supplies like food and a place to set up camp. So I killed some of the local wildlife. I gathered what I needed and set up camp as it was getting dark. Upon morning I headed further into the lost lands seeking out a savage mask. I ran into the savages which proved to be a horrible foe. Especially with the fact that I had no armor on. Finally finding the right savage with the mask I needed. It started to become dark again so I set up camp. The next morning I set out to get my final item, five bola balls. I ran into a couple of groups of orcs on my way back to the passage to Vesper. I did manage to get a little disoriented finding my way back. As I am unfamilar with the land. I finally reached the grave yard and made my way back to Cove. I have the items you requested ready the for the next time we meet. (http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m31/airlesspenguin/Finaltrial.jpg) *signed* Keane Wakefield Title: Re: Scout Trials - Keane Wakefield Post by: Jenifer Feather on October 20, 2009, 11:50:12 am Hoh.. Seeing yer in Green will bring a tear to my proud eye lad!
Signed: Jenifer Feather Title: Re: Scout Trials - Keane Wakefield Post by: Kal/Mathew on October 21, 2009, 06:49:56 am Well done Keane very well done! Now that you are amongst us I expect you to act accordingly. Anytime you find your Self in between a rock and a hard place, I am never hard to track down.
FOR THE SCOUTS Signed Officer Cadet: Kal Shadowhand (The Covian Viper) |