Title: *Changing Time, RL stuff popped up* Altmere Sentry Post by: Darek Milako on October 14, 2009, 07:34:32 am Altmerian Sentry When: Date will be posted when figured out. Bring: Spare arrows/bolts, your overnight kit, bandages, light sources. Need: At least 6 guards and whoever else to come set up a sentry at the Altmere Outpost. It has to be a big Sentry and if night falls upon us, no magic allowed, only lanterns and torches. What Else: We'll hold a small training on the rooftop of the Outpost to keep our tactics keen. Also sending out small patrols up the road to clear it of beasts and brigands and insure the Altmerians a safe passage way. After the Patrols is when the training will be held. For all Altmerian guardsmen I beg that you come and protect the land of your people. /occ ~ This is a 'dark nights' event. Ensure everyone has the setting switched on and that no potions nor magery is used to enable night vision. |