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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on October 16, 2009, 11:10:02 am

Title: *A Notice...*
Post by: Raiden Morana on October 16, 2009, 11:10:02 am
*... Pinned On The Barrack's Notice Board To All Guardsmen.*


Just to clarify our diplomatic situation at the moment.

Although the scribes still have us listed as being at war with Vesper this is not the case. However our stance with them is... 'Tense'.

Factions at a tense state with Cove are not to be considered enemies, however if they enter Covian land they should be escorted to the border immediately unless they are there on official diplomatic business.

They should also not bear arms on Covian lands, including shields. Anyone who tells you a shield can not be used as a weapon is a fool and anyone who believes them is a bigger fool.

This applies to the Vesperian military, including their crossbow corps. The Vesper Trading Company is to be considered as neutral as is the Swaggers, until further notice.


The scribes would also have us believe that our relationship with the Yewish Militia is... 'Friendly'.

This is also not the case. The Yewish are our allies and brothers in arms and as such should be extended the courtesies therein. As we should be when visiting their territory.

Covian Allies are traditionally allowed trade agreements and the right to an embassy within Covian territory. Allies are allowed to gather military forces on Covian lands and attend any events on Covian soil be it of military or civil kind. Allies are allowed to bear arms in Cove at the discretion of Covian authorities.


If anyone is unclear as to our standing with these or any other factions please forward your enquiries to me member of Command.


Raiden, Commander.

Title: Re: *A Notice...*
Post by: Raiden Morana on October 16, 2009, 09:33:39 pm
*pins to the top - diplomacy page updated*