Title: Apprentice Task ~ Ruby Whalebiter Post by: Kal/Mathew on October 19, 2009, 06:57:39 am Ok Ruby! I nkow you ahve been working hard at your training. Even us Scouts beed a break form things to bow off Steam and let it all out once in awhile. A burnt out Scout is no good for anyone or the Squad. Your task should prove a good one and it will be as:
1. Prepare your Self or buy tasty foods for a Scouts get together. 2. Gather all the Scouts you can and throw them a small party. 3. Scouts and potentials are to attend and guest of their Choice 4. Out door game should be set for them to have fun 5. Full report with Sketches are to be posted below. Have fun and be creative on this Signed Officer Cadet: Kal Shadowhand (The Covian Viper) |