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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Talon on June 06, 2005, 08:40:04 pm

Title: Healing training and Orc Hunt
Post by: Talon on June 06, 2005, 08:40:04 pm
Bright and early in the morning at the barracks, some of us guardsmen still yawning, truely started the day out right.  A good training session and a subsequent hunt never killed anyone at dawn.

Led by:
John Dell, Junior Guardsmen

Those attended:
Algy, Guardsmen Recruit
Griffith, Guardsmen Recruit
Talon, Gaurdsmen Recruit

The purpose of this training session can be seen by this paining done by Talon.
*pins the painting to the board*
(http://img130.echo.cx/img130/7311/traininggraveyard3fg.jpg) (http://www.imageshack.us)

We entered the graveyard and slew all the nasty wicked heathens insided with ease.  Our healing was only really given the option to be trained when the witchy Lith appeared and we all did a fine job of keeping each other intact.
At this moment our leader assigned us a new leader to get our morning's worth with a hunt and clearing of the filthy Orcs in the fort, seeing as how he had to attend to some other business.

Cleansing of the Orcs

Led by:
Griffith, Guardsmen Recruit

Those attended:
Algy, Guardsmen Recruit
Talon, Guardsmen Recruit

This cleansing was well done.  As soon as we neared the opening to the fort it seemed as if a few of the Orcs wanted to come out and greet us good morning so we did with a good blow to the head and a subsequent slashing to the grion. As depicted in the painting done by Talon.

*Pins another painting to the board*
(http://img121.echo.cx/img121/346/orchunt13kz.jpg) (http://www.imageshack.us)

As we entered farther into the fort the giant Orcs began to appear and our healing lesson was definitely now handy.  We felled the giant and the little beasts with no more than a few sharp cuts and bumps from the beasts as is seen in this next painting:

*pins yet another painting to the board....his arm tiring*
(http://img121.echo.cx/img121/487/patrolorc2if.jpg) (http://www.imageshack.us)

With this we concluded our affairs at the Orc fort drastically reducing the number of Orcs filthifying our close borders.  With all said and done it was a good hardy moring collecting 11, 700 gold coins for the Baronship.

Talon, Guardsmen Recruit