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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Shadwell on June 06, 2005, 11:29:16 pm

Title: Militia Duties: Down with the Bandits!
Post by: Shadwell on June 06, 2005, 11:29:16 pm

Guardsmen! Militia Command has noticed an increase of robberies and assaults. This time even the Militia themself are the target of these brigands. Cove must stay a safe town.

Objectives [3]

* Cove is to be patrolled and a sentry post must be built at the gate. Everyone entering must be searched for weapons.
* Covianshire must be patrolled from coast to mountain.
* A sizeable force must be send to Altmere and root out any brigand activity.

* Three reports are to be written. (You may do one objective at a time)
* A Watchman, or above, MUST lead this Duty.
* A full report must be posted below in THIS thread (include paintings).
* At least five guardsmen must take part.
* Sentry post MUST be fortified and held for thirty minutes.
* One guardsman must be inside the sentry post at ALL times.

Sergeant Shadwell
Covian Militia.

Title: Re: Militia Duties: Down with the Bandits!
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on June 07, 2005, 10:49:42 am
Sign me up Sarge! the sentry will be held during this day 7/6

Junior Guardsman Valiro Gryphonclaw

Title: Re: Militia Duties: Down with the Bandits!
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on June 08, 2005, 09:58:35 am
Led by: Junior Guardsman Valiro Gryphonclaw

Guardsman in Attendance
* Regular Guardsman  Hrothgar
* Regular Grenadier Ryan Greystone
* Regular Guardsman Tiberius
* Watchman Vlad
* Recruit Senaria
* Recruit Cor'Ari
* Recruit Vandrick
* Recruit Morgoth
* Recruit Anari
* Recruit Indrid
* Recruit Nemo
* Recruit Algy

We did set up the Guard sentry at 5 pm GMT and held it more or less for 3 hours. During this it happened alot tho. The patrol through Cove did sucessful wihout any problems. First the sentry was small couse of the lack of crates. But when Brother muldun came we had it extended to a well sentry.
Late on there went in three citizen. Korante and jade. Some time after that we the post got assaulted while rest of us was patrolling. It became a long fight or more a hunt after this "Rabbit". And when we knocked him.. He dissappeared. He seems to be unable to catch.

All who entered was also searched for weapons.

As said we did hunt him for very long time until we knocked him again. And he dissapeared. At least we kept the city safe for three hours.
Some recruits got knocked of brave tries to hunt him down. But they got fooled of his tricks and knocked by the orc fort.
After this the town was patrolled all the time.

The next objectives will be done during the week.....

Junior Guardsman Valiro Gryphonclaw

Title: Re: Militia Duties: Down with the Bandits!
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on June 11, 2005, 12:10:00 pm

"Patrolling the Covian Shire from Coust to the North mountins"

We did start gathering at the barracks.

Patrol led by:
Junior Guardsman Valiro Gryphonclaw

Guardsmen in Attendance:
* Recruit Algy
* Recruit Anari
* Recruit Griffith
* Recruit Talon
* Recruit Becca v.Radunkel (Briefly)

Anyhow we moved south from the Barracks where we got suprised!
A ghoul moving straight and fast just to the barracks. In the call of arms we slayed it quickly.

We moved further on and met a few harpies scouting out from covetous. Those was of course also removed. To the East coust we met a elemental lurking for any ships to sail past. And we are In NEED of archers.

Otherwise much of this was calm and we patrolled up and down to the graveyard and outside.... Walk.. walk...
On our back way to the barracks we met Becca v.Radunkel and she joined us on the way back.

This is how we walked.

Junior Guardsman Valiro Gryphonclaw